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"what?" jisung asked, confused. he didn't know whether to believe what he heard from minho just now or not to make a big deal out of it.

"i said i like you. i just didn't get much of a good impression on you the time we met because we're totally the opposite." jisung nodded, whilst minho is still treating the younger's wound.

"so basically, we're friends now?" the older just hummed in response.

jisung subconsciously smiled as he was yet eyeing the older.


minho just finished sweeping the remaining broken glass particles that were scattered to the floor earlier due to jisung's sudden reactions earlier, which caused by the one and only lee minho.

jisung was yet dumbfounded at how the older treated him differently today. should he be happy? or scared? he might have consider feeling both instead.

he coughed and looked out on the window to distract himself from thinking so.

"hey, you okay?" the younger flinched when someone sit close beside him. he looked at the latter but then their eyes met again.

that damned eyes.

"yeah." jisung said without adornment. he again looked to the other side of the house to avoid minho's eye contact.

"why do you look so uncomfortable since earlier? are you not used to me treating you like this?" he asked, an annoyed tone evident in his words as he still tried to be as calm as possible.

"isn't it obvious?" jisung responded, a little sass in his tone but it was sarcastically a joke.

"guess you'll have to get used to this from now on." jisung's eyes widened.

"what is wrong with you?!" jisung slapped the older's arm, which earned a laughing minho afterwards. jisung wheezed as he rolled his eyes on minho.


a week passed and everything seems to be fine for them. it almost looks like a dream— nothing unsatisfactory happened and it was so hard to believe.

for starters, they might think that jisung is starting to fall for the latter. and guess what, their guess was right. it started when they became friends and his feelings can't stop being in chaos whenever minho does the most little things.

and for minho...

"hyung. i wanna ask something."

"what is it?"

"so hypothetically speaking, you're a gay dude before and then went to being a straight shit again after your feelings did not reciprocated-" chan was already laughing at the younger's statement seeing as he already know what minho had gotten himself into this time.

act fool chan, act fool.

"why are you laughing?" minho asked, purely confused about why chan has been laughing ever since he gave the older a hypothesis.

"nothing, nothing. continue." he says, minimizing his laugh.

"okay. and since you are a straight but not homophobic dude right now you don't care about boys anymore but then this piece of shit appeared and changed your straight ass personality again into a gay one. what will you do?" chan just couldn't contain his laugh after what minho had said to him. he was literally wheezing right now.

"is that you?" chan uttered whilst laughing, minho scoffed loudly.

"what? n-no! why me? i just said hypothetically i didn't say i was the person who was falling for a dude again." minho rolled his eyes although chan couldn't see it.

"it almost looks like your problem dude." chan who was still laughing over the phone, manages to utter.

"great, you're a great help. thank you." minho said sarcastically, who again rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"bub if you've fell in love for jisung already just tell me! no need to deny it especially to your friend who literally grew up with you." chan said after recovering from his laugh but his voice still trembling after the non-stop laughing just now.

"i said it wasn't me." minho protested.

"okay, if you say so." chan teases, chuckling.

"i have to go now old man, you're no use." the younger said dramatically, earning sounds of contempt from the older.

"boo! just make up your gay ass mind, lee minho!" chan said before hanging up. minho just shook his head. "this childish man never changed."


filler chapter! i hope you enjoyed tho.

take care of yourself and stay safe!!

xoxo, leeknoringg.

edit: [hello! so i kinda changed my username from hanjisdior to 8kijeujify, i hope you still recognize my story, though. and also!!! i will be changing the story cover so stay tuned. have a great day!]

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