Chapter 1

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Sitting in the dimly lit bar Megan thee Stallion plays in the background. I just moved to Tokyo. I didn't want to but my mom started dating some important business man who lives here so she packed up our whole life. I haven't even met the guy yet. He doesn't live with us even though he is financing the apartment we moved into.

It's my best friend's birthday today. That's why we're at the bar. My mom's boyfriend was nice enough to fly my best friend here for her birthday so we could celebrate. I think he just wanted to flaunt his money. Whenever I ask why I haven't met him yet my mom always has an excuse. It's usually something along the lines of "I don't want to introduce you to someone that might not stick around." It's a load of bullshit if you ask me. Doesn't want me to meet someone that the relationship might not work out with but is okay with taking me to a different country for him. Yeah makes total sense mom.

"So, have you met step daddy yet?" My friend says drunkenly. She's been drinking since we got here. I decided to be the responsible one since it's her day. I've had two drinks. I decided to stop before I get drunk and can't watch out for her. She doesn't speak a word of Japanese so I've been the one ordering her drinks all night.  I know enough to get by mainly because once my mom informed me we are moving I decided to start learning the language. Mom doesn't know a single word. Her boyfriend speaks English but she said it's only because of his job. It required him to learn it. Not everyone at his business speaks it though from what she says. And if they do it's very little.

"Nope" I say, popping the p "Mom still insists that I'll meet him when the time is right. Makes zero sense to me though. She drags me here with her saying something about not wanting to be away from her only daughter. But still won't tell me anything about him. I don't even know his name, Anna." I tell her while rolling my eyes.

"Really?" She asks, looking at me confused. I nod my head "yeah" I say as I spin my glass cup slowly on the table. "She just calls him T when she talks about him. Does she not trust me enough to know or some shit?" I pick up my glass while taking a drink. It's just water but the more I talk about my mom and T as she refers to him the more pissed off I'm getting. The more I want to down a few shots and forget about this whole situation.

I slam my drink down on the bar looking at Anna. Her cheeks are flushed from the alcohol. She's cute. She's wearing a cute pink dress with a white sash that says "birthday girl" in pink sparkly letters. She's also wearing a crown that says birthday girl on it. Her blonde hair is a mess and her makeup is smudge but she's still cute. If this was a Halloween party she could pass as playing the girl from Legally Blonde with her looks and the amount of pink decorating her body. What was her name again? I think to myself as someone approaches us.

Anna smiles at them and they start a conversation. Luckily for her he speaks English. Overhearing the conversation, he isn't Japanese. He's just here visiting with his friends before school starts for them. I hear him mention he is from Nebraska. He's good looking. Muscular frame, Short dark hair, and a tan complexion. I laugh quietly while shaking my head. He is definitely Anna's type, typical frat boy and boring. I roll my eyes when I hear him start talking about the party's at his college. They continue talking and another man walks up. He looks the same except blonde and slightly longer hair. He joins the conversation. Anna turns towards me and introduces us. The dark haired males name is Michael. A boring name for a boring man I think to myself having to hold back a laugh. The blonde is Lucas. Of course it is.

"And this is my amazing and gorgeous best friend, (y/n)" Anna says, pulling me into a hug. I smile politely at them. "Hi" I say. I get dragged into the conversation now. Michael and Anna are deep in a conversation about some sports team. She likes sports. I do not. Lucas is talking to me but I'm not listening. I nod and smile every once in awhile so he thinks I am. Anna steals glances at me every few minutes. I'm assuming she can tell I don't care much about what he is saying. Lucas mentions something about being on the football team and having a full scholarship. Before I can say anything Anna jumps in.

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