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"Your highness..." the middle court god asked as he sipped his tea. "Yes?" Xie Lian replied smiling softly. Head tilted to look out the window.

"What's up with that hat of yours?"

Xie Lian looked over his shoulder grabbing said object. "Hmm this?" He asks flipping it around. "It's just my hat why?" The middle court god rolled his eyes. "No I mean why do you have it? Where did it come from and why don't you get a new one? It looks like it's about to fall apart."

Xie Lian laughs. "Oh no, I'll never replace this hat. I'll keep repairing it until I fade away."

The god opposite him frowns. Can't Xie Lian just answer the damn question?! "But why?! Surely your not that poor." Xie Lian snorts. "We'll actually..."

The god sighs. "Just, ugh fine one question." He says holding up a finger. "why is that hat so important to you?"

Xie Lian gets ready to laugh and brush it off when he pauses.

"Surely you haven't forgotten the memories?" The god asks sarcastically. Xie Lian shakes his head slowly. "No..." he says. "I'm nothing but a man made of memories it's just..."

"What you scared?"

Xie Lian strains an awkward smile. It gives his answer for him. "No way you are?!" The middle court god yells. "Be quiet. Don't disturb the others." Xie Lian chides. But it's true, he thinks. He really is scared.

(Many centuries ago)

Xie Lian pushed the mask onto his face firmer. The straps having come loose in the fight. Either smiling or grimacing the mask covered it all. But it would cover nothing if it was to fall off.

"Your highness." A boy bows, mask similar to his on his face. "Why are you still here? Didn't I tell you you to leave?" Xie Lian says not stopping his movements. "You did, I'm here to serve, just like I promise you on the battle field."

Xie Lian scoffs. "I don't need you to serve me, leave." He says. The boy follows him. "I will never leave you."

Xie Lian rolls his eyes behind the mask. "I don't believe you." Wu Ming humms. "I'll prove it to you. One day."

"One day?" Xie Lian repeats. "Why can't you just leave me? I'm not your prince you don't have to follow me." The boy shakes his head grinning mask swaying. "Of course you are. Your kingdom is still standing is it not."

"It is for now, but something tells me it won't be in a few weeks." Then gazing over his shoulder. "Burn it." He commands. Wu Ming bows snapping his fingers. The palace is instantly engulfed in flames and Xie Lian stands back to admire it.

"I've wanted this for so long." He whispers watching the orange flicker and dance. How mesmerising it is Xie Lian almost wants to reach out and- a gloved hand grasp his outstretched one. "Have you really?" Wu Ming asks not even flinching when Xie Lian snatched his hand back.

Xie Lian pauses looking around. "No." He says. "But I must do what I must do." Wu Ming nods. "And I will support and follow you."

"I don't need your support." Wu Ming shrugs. "Still I'll give you it. I am your biggest devotee." Xie Lian laughs at that. "A devotee? I'm no god. I was banished. My kingdom fell and now I have nothing."

"You have me." Wu Ming said. "I will never leave." Xie Lian sighs exhausted. "So you keep telling me."


There's a white figure hovering over Xie Lian when the boy opens his eyes. He's so tired. He just wants to rest.

"Why do you do nothing? Do you want to watch your enemy take over what's left of your kingdom?" It asks cooly. "Do you want to have nothing to your name?"

Sometimes all it takes is a hat to block the rainWhere stories live. Discover now