Part 6

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(Y/n) P.O.V. 

We get to the valley to find it littered with dinosaur bodies. "Stay in the car." Owen tells Claire, motioning me to follow him. We climb out, and carefully approach an injured Apatosaurus. It's fatal. We kneel down, Owen placing a gentle hand on the dying dinosaur. "Hey, hey. I know, I know. It's all right, girl." I soothe, brushing it's nose. Claire gets out of the vehicle, walking towards us, and kneels down as well. She places a small hand on the dinosaur, and startles her by accident. The Apatosaurus raises her head, bellowing, before lying down again. 

"Okay. You're okay." Owen comforts. Claire places her hand on her again, one lone tear falling down her cheek. The poor animal dies, and deep frown comes over my face. Claire looks shaken, so I put an arm over her shoulders. Owen looks stoic, I can tell how he really feels. We all stand, and walk over to a hill to see many, uneaten dead Apatosaurus. Claire gasps, placing both her hands over her mouth. I feel sick.

"It didn't eat them." I note. Owen sighs. "It's killing for sport."


We trek further into the forested area, following the sound of the dying Jimmy Fallon voice. Before too long, we come across it, mangled and broken. Panic bubbles in me, especially when Claire picks up Zach's smashed phone. "No, no, no." Claire says. Fear and regret and anger wash over me, but overwhelming relief blocks it all out with Owen says, "Hey. They made it out."

"Oh thank god," I sigh, "We need to move fast." We follow the tracks to a waterfall, the tracks indicating they jumped. "My god, they jumped." Claire says with worry. "Brave kids." Owen says with a little respect. "Stupid kids, more like. It just happened to be a good thing here." I say, laughing a little to try and ease my worry. "Zach! Gray!" Claire starts shouting. Both Owen and I fly to shut her up. She throws our hands away angrily. "Hey! I am not one of your damn animals." 

"No, you're worse because at least they would have some sort of survival instincts." I retort. Before she can argue, Owen pipes up with, "Listen, those kids are still alive, but we will not be if you continue to scream like that." She calms down, and reapproaches with a sort of whisper. "So...You can pick up their scent, can't you? Uh, track their footprints?" I roll my eyes at her cluelessness. "I was with the Navy, not the Navajo." Owen snaps. "So then what should we do? What do you suggest we do?" She persists. "You get back. We'll find them." Owen dismisses. "No, we'll find them." 

My anger just snaps. "This mess is all because of you, why would we want your help? You created a killing machine, and ignored any of the needs it would actually require. Knowing this, you let our nephews go out unsupervised instead of just trading days with me! I should have just gone behind your back, you are so unreliable. Not to mention that you'll last two minutes out there. Less, in those ridiculous shoes." She looks hurt, but masks it with defiance. She starts unbuttoning her belt. Owen looks at her with shock and interest, which annoys and hurts me. She unbuttons her shirt, and ties it, showing her purple tank top. She places her hands on her hips.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Owen asks, turning to me as if I know. "It means I'm ready to go." Claire says as if it's obvious. "Okay. Let's get one thing straight. We're in charge out here. You do everything I say, exactly as I say it." He decides. I fume silently, deciding to not waste anymore time arguing. "Excuse me?" She recoils. "Just relax. It's just like taking a stroll through the woods. 65 million years ago." Owen jokes. Claire sighs, and walks away from us. "Already breaking the rules." I grumble. "I know you're angry, (Y/n), but I don't think it's worth arguing about. We'll still find them." He assures. "I should have know, Owen. I should have taken them. Maybe then, I'd at least be with them right now. Kept them safe."

"Or you would have gotten hurt, and wouldn't be able to help them. We don't know what would have happened, so let's focus on what is happening. Besides, if you had been out there, I would have been distracted worrying about you." He says it so casually, but it's enough to make my cheeks heat up once he turns away.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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