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This fic is based on the song Spaces by One Direction. I'm sorry if it's not your cup of tea u.u But idk I thought it was a good idea.
This is kind of an AU don't judge me :c

Moa was always insecure about her relationship with Yui. She was always asking herself what was gonna happen in the end. She knew all relationships had to end sometime, and with really in love couples, death was the top.

But what was going to happen with Moa and Yui? Were they going to be like those old married couples that still love each other beyond words? Or were they going to separate..?

That's the thing, though. She couldn't imagine herself without Yui and she hoped Yui couldn't imagine herself without Moa either. But what if Yui could?

What if Moa wasn't who Yui wanted to stay with her whole life?

If that was it, then she kept asking herself when were they going to break up? When was Yui going to finally hate the idea of living with Moa- or being in a goddamn relationship with a woman?

She always had that insecurity too.

She was a woman, and she was /nothing/ compared to the looks Yui had.

Why was Yui with her? Pitty? No... Yuu wouldn't do that.

Then why?

There were sometimes when Moa wouldn't feel so insecure about their relationship.

When they were in each others arms. That's it. She felt safe... And protected in Yui's arms.

She felt loved.

So, she didn't know how everything was going to end- or if it was going to last forever. There weren't spaces between them.

They were as close as ever.

And she realized, it didn't matter.

The kiss Yui put on her lips right at that moment made her know it.

It was going to be okay.

Mui/ Moa x Yui - BabyMetal Yuri One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now