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taehyun and beomgyu were sitting in the living room with their mothers. "so taehyun what was the news you wanted to tell us?" taehyun took a deep breath before beginning.

"um guys im... pregnant." taehyun said so quietly not even beomgyu heard him and he was next to him. beomgyu grabbed his hand. "guys taehyuns news is that he is pregnant."

taehyun looked at beomgyu thankfully. their mothers eyes widened. "when beomgyu said i will get a grandchild soon i didnt think it would be true!" beomgyus mother started to tear up. "both of them are grown up now i cant believe they fucked!"

"eomma dont phrase it like that it sounds disgusting." taehyun looked at him. "youre one to talk." their mothers laughed. "anyways how long are you?" beomgyus mother asked. "im not exactly sure because our appointment is in two days but i should be around a week or two?"

"oh my gosh my baby is all grown up now and soon beomgyu will be the ceo!" beomgyus mother nodded. "make sure you come to the dinner tomorrow beomgyu and taehyun otherwise your appa will be angry." they nodded as taehyuns mother checked the time.

"oh gosh we need to go we are going to be late for our hair appointment!" they waved before exiting the house. as soon as the door shut taehyun snorted, "i find it funny how theyre so old but they still go hair appointments."

beomgyu laughed with him.


"so beomgyu how do you feel by midnight you will be a ceo?" he shrugged his shoulders. "it feels normal i guess."

"come on you have to at least feel excited or nervous!" his mother said. he shook his head while his parents sigh. "what about you taehyun how do you feel your husband is going to be a ceo?" taehyun smiled. "it seems pretty cool to be honest!"

"at least my son in law can give me an answer." beomgyu rolled his eyes. taehyun laughed quietly. "remember beomgyu, yeonjun will be your secretary and i will ask him if you do anything." he nodded.


"WAKE UP YOURE GONNA BE LATE!" taehyun screamed but beomgyu didnt even move. "wake up mr ceo!" taehyun screamed in his ears. his eyes opened. "finally hurry up you have 30 minutes!"


beomgyu was sat in his office when someone knocked on the door. yeonjun came in, "yah be ready your parents are coming and taehyun maybe!" yeonjun scolded him. "fine but why are they coming?"

"to see how youre doing dumbass. why did your parents pick me i could be home with soobin planning right now but no i have to be here." yeonjun kept complaining until taehyun came in.

"taehyun save me from this guy and his parents!" yeonjun stood up and shook taehyun. "what do you want me to do? find someone to replace you?" yeonjun nodded. "please i hate this guy he is so stupid." taehyun laughed.

"whatever i guess i can try talk to his parents?" yeonjun thanked him before leaving because soobin called him.

"come here i was so bored he kept talking." he tapped his lap while taehyun came and sat on it. "ugh why are you guys complaining to me i cant do anything!" beomgyu wrapped his arms around taehyuns waist.

"complain to eomma for me if i do she will slap me." taehyun giggled. "fine." and as if on cue his parents walked in. "taehyun should complain about what to me?" "ah um i think yeonjun and beomgyu are better off not working together."

taehyun replied quickly and because taehyun said it she took in into thought. "thank you taehyun for saying that i will look into different secretarys." he nodded. "now we are here because we need to tell you me and your dad are going on a trip to america for buisness."

beomgyu nodded. "for how long?" "we will be gone for about two months." beomgyu nodded. "and yunjin?" his parents sat down. "thats why we are here. we want taehyun to look after her with how good he is with children but if she is too much stress then just phone the house and someone can pick her up!"

beomgyu looked at taehyun. "um i think i can do it and im sure she wont be that much stress!" beomgyus parents smiled at him. "thank you taehyun honestly i dont what i would do if you and beomgyu didnt get married." beomgyus mother said.

taehyun smiled at her. "now for you beomgyu why dont you want yeonjun?" beomgyu groaned. "its him who doesnt want to be here and you guys forced him into it so now soobin hyung is alone planning for their wedding while yeonjun is here."

"theyre engaged?" beomgyu nodded. "well in that case i will find someone else and taehyun if beomgyu gets too annoying just phone me." taehyun nodded. they stood up and left as yeonjun came in. "so what was it about?" he sat down on the couch. "theyre going to america and we have to keep yunjin." beomgyu sighed.

"we have to go get her after taehyuns appointment tomorrow." yeonjun made the face when you suddenly remember something. "soobins appointment is also tomorrow and he wants to look at venues." yeonjun groaned. "oh yeah so can i get replaced or not?" taehyun nodded at him.

"they just need to find someone right for the job otherwise youre technically free now hyung." yeonjun smiled at him. "thanks taehyun at least someone is useful in here." he glared at beomgyu who rolled his eyes.


"okay choi taehyun i will be your doctor leading in your pregnancy, im doctor shin." taehyun nodded and sat down with beomgyu. "so taehyun you are currently two weeks which means you constantly feel like throwing up right?" taehyun nodded.

"great thats prefectly fine as your in the first trimester! now i will tell you now in advance that in your second trimester you will get moody and angry and may get back pains so watch out for it." she aimed the last bit at beomgyu who nodded.

"also before the appointment ends heres my number for any emergency." beomgyu took the card and put it in his pocket.


yunjin was sitting watch the television as her and her parents waited for beomgyu and taehyun. the doorbell rang so beomgyus mother answered it. "there you guys are! yunjins sitting in the living room."

they went in and yunjin ran to taehyun. "taehyunnie!" she gave him a hug before giving her brother one. "are you ready yunjin?" beomgyu asked her. she nodded and showed her small luggage. taehyun laughed at her and so did beomgyu.

"yunjin im gonna miss you my baby!" beomgyus mother hugged her. "im gonna miss you too eomma!" she giggled at how dramtic her mother was. "lets get going yunjin." she held taehyuns hand as they walked towards the exit of the house. her parents waved at her as she got in her brothers car.

"yay i get to stay with taehyunnie and beommie!" taehyun giggled. "so yunjin is there anything you want to do?" she nodded her head. "i wanna go shopping!" "taehyun can take you tomorrow but dont stress him out." she rolled her eyes. "i dont stress anyone!" beomgyu nodded while laughing.


beomgyu was already at the office and taehyun and yunjin were getting ready to go out. "yunjin is there anything specific you want to buy?" she nodded while putting a sweet in her mouth. "i want to buy matching clothes with you!" taehyun giggled and nodded.


"taehyunnie can we buy skirts to match?" she whispered in his ear. "sure but why are you whispering?" "i dont know." she shrugged her shoulders. "well lets go find those skirts!"

"taehyunnie lets buy that one!" she pointed towards a white skirt. he picked their sizes out and put them into a basket. "lets get some sweaters because its cold." they found some blue sweaters and decided to get them.


the three sat at the table eating their dinner while yunjin talked about random things. "oh yeah beommie oppa me and taehyunnie have a surprise for you!" beomgyu looked insterested. "what kind of surprise?" "a good one." taehyun answered him. "should we show him now?" taehyun looked at the girl.


hey omfg im gonna cry how did i write this mych anyways my spanish teacher told my class off today. btw all of them have finished uni i just decided that lmao

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