Just another night?

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(I thought once you send the first page the other pages send. . .SHI-)

September 12th 1992.

 Mandela county 7:43 Pm, Cesar's house.

Cesar's pov

It was getting dark outside and all the kids playing greeted eachother goodbye and headed home as the sun set and the moon begin to rise. I had gotten bored so I decided to watch some tv, maybe watching some cartoons I used to watch sounds nice. .After a while of watching cartoons that appeared on tv, the tv started glitching out. "Huh. .? Is the tv broken or something. .?" After being stuck with a black screen for 5 minutes a logo appeared with some chimey like music. "Oh, well this looks pretty. . .Important. ." The PSA was claiming that there were new found creatures in the area that would be referred to as 'alternates' and that they should not be approached at all or attempted to fight unless needed to.

 "In the event of an encounter, follow the "Think" principle." I take out my notebook so I wouldn't end up forgetting later on. The notebook had been given to me by Mark so I can write down how I feel at times, so it was hard finding a page that wasn't filled with loads of hand writing. In the middle of looking up and writing down what I seen, I could have sworn I seen the text for the last letter say "Kill yourself, there's not enough room for the both of us." My heart skipped a beat as I looked up again, instead it said. "Know your place in reality." "I could have sworn that said. ." I let out a sigh. 

"Whatever, I think i'm just panicking. I'll just get a glass of water." On my way to get a glass of water I checked outside, everything was dark out Almost darker then usual. .But I yet again just thought I was just panicking and closed the blinds. As I went back to sit down the thought of my mother and friend appeared in my mind. 'This feels like some sort of hijacking, but if it isn't I hope their doing okay' I turn off the tv so I can write to myself in silence, I find it best if there's silence so I can focus on my thoughts. The silence was then broken by the sound of the phone ringing, it startled me as a jump up a bit. I rush to go get the phone and answer it. "Hello. .?"  "Hey Cesar, hopefully it isn't too late." Oh thank god it's Mark, mabye he can help calm me down. "Oh no no, it's fine. .you okay?"  "Well it's not me, it's my mother, she was found knocked out cold. I'm on my way to the ER so could you do me a favor?"  "Sure what is it?"  "You know those security cameras I had put up after I got robbed?" "Yeah. .?"  "I just need you to go over and check if their on." That's all he wanted me to do? Well, it does seem like he may be gone for a while, and with how serious his situation sounds it wouldn't KILL me to check if their turned on. "Well, do you have your doors and windows locked? I got a broadcast talking about something called alternates and I wanna make sure it wasn't a hijacking or anything."

  "Well i'm not sure people would go hijacking a tv station at this time. .and yeah I have them all locked." I take a deep breath and sigh. "Alright then, i'll go over and check if their on and get out of there. You already know how I feel about your house. ." It wasn't to insult him or anything, but with how the house is just sitting by the road with the nothingness behind it. It just scared me, especially when it was night. "Thanks, one last thing. ."  "Yeah?" He paused for a while before continuing. "Could you get a good view of the b-" The audio was then cut for some reason, with only snips of what he said being heard. Luckily, I was able to hear some of it and put together what he said. "Alright then."  "Alright i'm almost there. .Thanks again Cesar. ."  "No problem." As I hang up the phone and take my car keys, one thought appeared in my mind.                                      

'If he was on the way to the ER, why did it not sound like he was driving. .?'

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