"I feel bad that I broke all these old things. I was just trying to get to the bed as fast as possible. I can clean it up." He lifted his visibly shaking hand and groaned.

"Hey, you need to rest," Jisung scolded. "I don't know if using your powers exerts energy, but you're clearly in no shape to be doing anything at all."

"But—" Lino protested.

"Nope. No but. I will clean it later."

Lino dropped his hand back to the bed and huffed, but he knew Jisung was right. Everything felt exhausting.

"Urgh...I forgot I haven't eaten dinner yet," Jisung suddenly said as he felt his stomach about to growl. "Are you hungry?"

"A little..." Lino murmured.

"How about some soup? That's always good when you're sick."

Lino nodded and Jisung stood up, promising to be back as quickly as possible with food.

As soon as he returned, Lino seemed to perk up a bit at the smell. He hadn't eaten since he got into that room, and though he didn't actually need food, the feeling of hunger was starting to get to him.

He carefully blew on the noodles and took a bite, then another and another. Before he knew it, the bowl was completely empty.

"I thought you said you were a little hungry," Jisung giggled.

"Thank you. I think that really help—" Lino suddenly stopped and put his hand over his mouth.

"Oh no..." Jisung knew instantly what was about to happen. He scrambled around the room and found an empty trash bin. "Here!" He urged as he held it up to the ghost.

And it was just in time. A second later, every single noodle exited Lino's stomach and into the bin.

"Are you okay?" Jisung asked as he gently rubbed his back.

"My noodles," Lino whined. He was more upset about not having a full stomach anymore than the fact that he was sick.

"I guess we better be careful about what you eat. Or maybe hold off on food for a while, if you can."

Lino laid back down as Jisung took the trash bin to the bathroom to clean it. He brought it right back to the room, just in case it was needed again.

"You know, I was really sick like this once when I was little," Jisung told him. "I had to stay in bed for three days. I was miserable."

"Three days? Am I going to be stuck here for three days!?" Lino let out a loud, pathetic groan.

"I really don't know. We'll just have to take it one day at a time, I guess."

"Jisung...will you stay with me?" Lino murmured.

"Until you get better?"

Lino nodded and Jisung thought for a minute. He still had classes the rest of the week, but he knew if he contacted his professors, he might be able to tackle some of his work online. He would miss a few lectures, but he wasn't exactly upset about that.

"Yeah. I can do that." Jisung smiled down at Lino. It was like having a sick child who didn't want his mommy to leave him.

"Thank you..." Lino trailed off and let out a big yawn. A moment later, he was sound asleep.

Jisung watched him as his chest rose and fell deeply. He checked his head one more time and noted that he felt much cooler again. And even though he said he wouldn't leave, he at least needed to go shower and then email his teachers.

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