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Jisung awoke the next morning alone, to his dismay, but unsurprised. He had left the door open a crack so that Shadow could come and go as he pleased. He quickly showered before heading downstairs, curious to where he might find his two housemates.

"Good morning, you two," Jisung called out happily as he walked in to see Lino laying on the couch with Shadow curled up on his stomach.

"Shh! He's sleeping," Lino whispered. It seemed he'd already taken quite a liking to the cat, and the cat him.

Jisung giggled quietly and went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast and coffee to go. He waved goodbye to Lino and Shadow as he passed by again on the way to the front door, then left the house for classes.

When he arrived to class, Hyunjin was already there saving a seat for his best friend. They hadn't talked much since the strange encounter at the house with "Minho".

"Hey," Hyunjin greeted him as he moved his bag from the chair.

"What's up," Jisung replied casually.

" are things going with Minho?" Hyunjin asked as he doodled on a blank page of his notebook.

"Huh? Oh...good, I guess? I've been pretty busy lately, so I haven't really met up with him." Jisung's mind instantly went to thoughts of movie nights with Lino and he felt himself smile slightly.

"Oh, did you hang up the painting yet?" Hyunjin was suddenly giddy.

"The...oh, yeah totally. It really...makes the room." Jisung was completely fibbing. He had set the painting on the floor in a corner and forgotten all about it.

"Jisung, you're lying. What is your problem?" Hyunjin sneered.

"I'm sorry..." he put his hands over his face for a moment and then set them on the table. "I promise I'll hang it up tonight. It really is very pretty. You're an amazing artist."

"I know," Hyunjin smirked.

"And cocky." Jisung pushed his friend in the shoulder and laughed. He was glad he wasn't too upset.

"So, how's Gwumpy doing?" Hyunjin suddenly asked.

"Oh, um...actually, I decided to rename him. I'm calling him Shadow now."

"Aww you didn't like the name I gave him?" Hyunjin pouted dramatically and leaned his head on his hand.

"Sorry, it just felt weird calling out that name in the big house."

"It's fine. He's your cat, call him whatever you want. Though, I might still call him Gwumpy when I visit." Hyunjin gave him a wrinkle-nosed smile.

Just then, the professor came in and class began. It was quiz day, which meant that students could excuse themselves as soon as they finished. Jisung felt bad when he set down his pencil and glanced over to see that Hyunjin still had a ways to go on his test. He looked around the room, noticing that about half the class was gone already. He whispered a quick "see ya later" and turned in his test, then left the classroom.

As soon as he closed the door and turned to head down the hall, he nearly crashed right into Minho, who had been waiting for him.

"Aish! You scared me," Jisung squeaked, dramatically clutching his chest.

"Sorry, I wanted to catch you before you headed to your next class. Can I walk with you?" Minho tilted his head expectantly.

"Yeah, of course."

They walked down the hall and out the door. Jisung's next class was across campus, but fortunately the Autumn weather wasn't too cold yet and it was a beautiful day for a walk.

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