Chapter One

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Harry was running down the street his cousin close behind him. He takes a sharp turn to the park and almost made it when he was tackled to the ground. Rolling over he starts to laugh.
"You're it, Harry."
Yet neither made any attempt to get up to continue their game. They just laid in the grass looking at the clouds.
"You know, you're lucky."
"How so?"
Harry sat up, looking over at his cousin.
"It's just the world sees you and recognizes you a boy. But when they look at me and just see a girl. What if I am not a girl. I don't feel like one but that's what the world has decided upon."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I am trans, Harry. I am not a girl, I am a boy. But I look like a girl, and people see me as a girl."


"Shh, we have to be quiet if you don't want mom to know."
Harry knew this but he still found it hard to contain himself. But he nodded anyway and tried to stay quiet. Dudley and him walked past Petunia's room after checking to make sure she was asleep. They opened the apartment door and ran to the roof.
"What time is it?"
"I don't know. But it should happen soon."
They sat there waiting, soon there was a flash against the sky. Then another, one shooting star after another.
"I heard stars are lost souls."
Dudley looked over at his cousin, confused.
"I don't think that's true. How would they get there?"
"I don't know, and they don't know either. That's why their lost."
"I don't think they are lost anymore. See they are running. Maybe they found the person they are waiting for."
"I would wait for you as a star."
They let that sit, settling into a calm quiet.

"Hey mom?"
"Yes D-"
"Can we talk? It's important."
Petunia walked into the room where Dudley was sitting. She took next to him on the couch. It was slightly awkward as both tried to speak only to stop.
"Mom, I'm trans."
Petunia was quiet, only looking forward. It was quiet for quite some time. Dudley starts to rub tears out of his eyes before going to stand.
"I'm sorry, you can forget I said this."
Petunia looks over at her now crying son.
"Don't be sorry. If anything I should be sorry. I was just trying to think of the right thing to say. I didn't want to mess this up because I know this is a moment you will remember forever. What exactly does this mean for you? Like do you have a new name you liked me to call you? New pronouns?"
"Uh yeah. My name is Dudley and I use he/him pronouns."
"Ok Dudley. Then I will you call you that. Do you need me to call the school to get your name changed? Is this going to change anything else?"
"Yeah, that would be nice. And it shouldn't change anything else. Thanks."
"For what?"
"For accepting."
"Don't thank me for doing the bare minimum. Because that's all I am doing, ok it's my job as a parent to accept you. I did the bare minimum. Ok but you can thank for the amazing cake I am currently baking."

"What about this shirt?"
Dudley said as he held up a shirt to his chest, showing his mother.
"Absolutely not, you may be my son now but I am not letting you wear something like that. You still need to dress with some sense of style. That goes the same for you Harry."
Harry put back the shirt he was looking at with a slight pout.
"How about we take a break from shopping and go get something to eat?"
They paid for the few clothes they liked and left the store. Walking down the streets they walked into a ice cream place. Once they got there ice cream they took a seat at a booth.
"What were my parents like?"
"Uh... I don't know really. I knew you mother, my sister but I never met your father. I stopped talking to my sister before she got with him."
"Why did you stop talking to her? Do you not like her?"
"No, that's not it. I was jealous of her, she was very special and went to a very special school, a school I never was able to go to. She met the love of her life there and I kept hearing her stories from there. I was to jealous and I regret that every day, I never got to apologize or let her know I don't hate her."
"When we get home I can try to find the letters she sent me and show them to you."
     She nods with a small smile.

     An owl flew through the open kitchen window above the sink and dropped a letter onto Harry's plate. Harry looks at the letter shocked before picking it up. It was addressed to him.
"It's about time that letter showed up. I almost thought you weren't going to get one."
     Both Harry and Dudley look at Petunia.
"Well open it, it is addressed to you after all."
     Harry opens the letter before reading it slowly. He kept rereading it again and again.
"Hogwarts? What kind of school is called Hogwarts?"
"The school that your mother went to. It's a school for very special people. Wizards and witches."
"My mother went ther- wait wizards and witches? Like abracadabra, pull a rabbit out of my hat kind"
"No, that would be silly. The magic kind."
"I can't explain it very while, I barely understood it myself but yes, magic. Now what does it say on your list? Goodness knows where I will have to buy half of those from?"
     As Harry starts reading off the list, Petunia starts to debate who to go to for help with this. With no other option she decides to write a letter to her childhood neighbor and her sister's once best friend. Not knowing their history she sends the letter off with the owl, before heading to bed.


Hey sorry this took so long to publish. I didn't already forget about this fic, I was just been busy and trying to write whenever I have time at school. But winter break is coming up so the next chapter(s) shouldn't take to long to come or not as long. I never figured out a deadnamed for Dudley and I am sorta glad I didn't because then I would have dead name him :[[[ I hope it didn't seem like I was saying Petunia was in the right in the original series. I feel it's complicated and I could probably rant about for a while and if you didn't figure it out she is writing to Snape. I am not a Snape apologists so if you are and were hoping for a good Snape sorry but that's probably not going to happen. Please correct me on any mistakes if you find them :]]]
Stay weird

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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