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Milo's POV

Meeting her

"WAKE UP" my sister yells from down the hall. Tf this mf want. I roll out of bed and see that there's a big bag on the table. "To milo." "tf why is there a bag here for me." I open the bag and see Billie tickets. I start to scream and run around like a headless chicken. "HOLY FUCK IM SEEING BILLIE".
                                     Time skip
The day of the concert I wake up and rush over to my closet. " tf am I gonna wear I have so many great outfits." I pull out the normal white shirt black jeans and the fitted hat. "I look so gay holy fuck". I get an Uber to a small venue where she performing it's one of her secret Performances. "God I'm about to see my wife" I say to myself. As i pull up to the place I tip the man and step out. "I SAW HER HAND ON THE GLASS OMG OMG" on girl yelled. I look up and sure enough there's Billie. We make eye contact and she smiles at me. "Whoa" I say and look down.

"TICKETS OUT" a big guy yells. I walk to a place and show him my ticket and walk in. It pretty small my sister must of payed a lot of fucking money so I could be here. I look around and see this girl could be my age looking at me. "Hey" I say and she jumped a little "hey" she replies back.  "I'm Milo what's your name"? "I'm Fallon nice to meet you". Fallon and I start to get to know each other and I give her my insta. The lights dim and my eyes travel to the stage and Billie is sitting on a stool up there. It hits me that I'm like 20 feet away from Billie.

" Hello my babies" Billie says into the mic. I just look at her in aw but then her eyes meet mine. We stare at each other while she says something I don't even hear. I'm so lost in her eyes her pupils dilated while we stare at each other but she breaks it. "Okay today we are starting off with "wish you were gay" Billie talks into the mic. "Dose this bitch not think I'm gay" I laugh to myself a little and start singing along. Once the song finishes she sings the rest of them. By the time Ik it the concert is over and I'm walking out but a security guard stops me. "We need you to come with us" one of them say. At this point I'm shitting bricks and rethinking life.

The walk me through a door I believe this is her green room damn it smells good asf in here. "Sit someone will be in to talk to you" the bigger gauged says. Yup def just shit my pants. The door flys open and I look over. I see blue headed girl walk in around 5'4 the room burst with a vanilla smell.

"You" Billie looks at me. "Me? What about me?" I question back. "Idk I just wanted to scare you". My pulse slows down and I laugh but my pules doesn't stay down for long. Next thing Ik she's next to me really close to me too. "Did you have fun tonight?" She asked. "Yeah a lot of fun and I wanna thank you for saving my life". I answer back. She looks at me this time her eyes aren't as dilated but the start to dilate. Am I making her like this.

"Your pretty cute" she says to me. Whoa did she just holy fuck. "Can I get your number I'd love to stay in contact with you". She looks at me all I can do is nod. I had her my phone and she hands me hers. As I finish typing her number in she gives me a hug and tells me to text her when I'm home.

Time skip
As I lay in bed I pull up my phone and text Billie.

Billie ❤️

Hey I'm home

Billie ❤️
I was just about to text you
Wasup hot stuff

Oh nothing just talking to the
Most hottest girl Ik

Billie ❤️
Are you free today?

I should be why ?

Billie ❤️
Well I'm free for the
Day and tomorrow I wanted
To see if you wanted to spend it
With me.

Miss Billie wants to spend
The day with me ?!?

Billie ❤️
Oh shut it is that a yes?

Yes it is here's my address

Billie ❤️
Omw handsome!

Holy fuck the billie eilish is coming over holy fuck. *DING DONG* I run down the stairs and there she is look at me as I tower over her damn she's small. "Come in" I say and she smiles. She hugs me and then follows me to my room. "Whoa you have a cool ass room!" "Thank you it took me a year to do all this" I say with a smile. She jumps on my bed and I jump on next to her. I look at her and she asks "what we watchin!" Great question billie I have no idea. "What do you want to watch love" I say. She looks away I pull her head back and she's as red as a tomato she's so damn cute. She grabs the remote and puts on the office as expected. She snuggled into me and I rap my arm around her. The vanilla smell hits my nose again I never knew how much I would love a vanilla smell.

I look down at her and she looks up at me our eyes look and her pupils dilate again I'm really starting to think it's because of me. I think I'm blushing bc she smiles a little. I pick her up and say let's go to the mall she agrees and we get into my car.

We arrive at the mall he didn't really talk in the car she was looking at me a lot. As we walked in she dragged me to stores and I carried her bags and everything that a person would do for someone. " I just need to go into one more store" she says to me. "Okay that's fine let's go".

I was fine with going into a store until I saw it would be victoria's Secret. Is she trying to kill me I think she is. She grabbed some stuff but I see a smirk run across her face. "I need to try theses on come with me" she says and dragged me to the fitting room and shoved me in there with her. Oh fuck I'm dead this isn't real.

She starts to take her shirt off and I look at the floor immediately. She picks her hand up and lifts my chin a little and I'm looking right at her. Her arms raps around my waist still looking at me I push my face down but then she moves when I try to kiss her. "Just had to lock the door behind us so no one walked in." I turn red really red. She finished and we buy her stuff and we head out and back to my house.

I think this was pretty good but y'all lmk

I'm gonna make you my wife حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن