He's got issues.

The song kept going and for the nth time today, Sofia stepped on my foot. 

She needs waltz lessons as soon as possible. 

"God, Sofia. Can't you dance without stepping on my foot?" I said, extremely annoyed.

She said with her eyes still glued on the floor, "I'm sorry, okay? I don't do it intentionally. It just happens."

"You need more of those waltz lessons." I said.

She sighed annoyingly with her eyes still glued on the floor.

Or more like my shoes.

But I let it slide, she probably has some shoe fetish. 


"Hm . . ?"

"The cameras are at us. You need to look up." That wasn't a lie. Cameras were recording us and with her head hung low, I'm sure it'll stir up some useless rumors. 

Media outlets are jobless as fuck. All they know to do is make rumors out of the dumbest things ever.

Huge ocean blue eyes stared at me. Her eyes looked so calm and peaceful on the outside, but today when I finally got the closer look of them, I saw something so different from what I see usually. 

Her eyes were sparkling with glow but underneath that glow I saw it.

The fear.

As if something might go wrong. Her eyes felt like huge crystals of ice which hid thousands of secrets buried within them.

I felt like I was drowning in those ocean-like eyes.

Fucking what? Drowning? Jesus, Hugo. Get a grip. 

Enchancia's wine is definitely hitting my butt hard tonight.

The music suddenly stopped and a high-pitched voice rang across the ballroom. I knew who it was. Me and Sofia both looked up on the stage. Yep, I was right.

Princess Amber.

The blonde princess started off with her speech in order to honor her parents and sister who's beside me. At first her speech actually sounded quite good. She started off with thanking her family members for their love and support. But later I don't know how, she switched the topic to some Enchancian history and significance of some diamonds worn by Queen Miranda which I bet no one was interested to know about. 

Get me out of here.

I side-glanced at Sofia and judging by her look, she definitely was suffering just as much as I was due to her over-dramatic sister's speech.

I sometimes wonder on how Sofia and Amber are sisters. They're polar opposites.

But again, they're step-sisters. So, makes sense. 

Soon James started his short speech with his ever-so-unnecessary "boom goes the canon". Next up for speech was the King himself. King Roland, too, spoke about Enchancia's history. 

Like father, like daughter.

Then he switched the topic to alliances made by betrothals of the twins. 

Oh c'mon this is a fucking anniversary ball. Speak some lovey-dovey shit and get over it.  

Then he talked about his childhood in the castle.

Dude c'mon no one gives a flying fuck about you pooping your diapers in the castle as a kid. 

Queen Miranda was the next in the speech line-up and for the sake of my sanity she thankfully didn't speak about something like who took a shit at 12:35 pm in the Enchancian castle. The Queen kept her speech short yet meaningful, thanking all her family members.

Finally someone normal in their family. 

Their castle steward went up on the stage and expressed his gratitude towards the royals. He then spoke about the Queen and Sofia's years of royalty.

I wanna go back home. 

I felt like getting out of here and sleeping in my room but I had something to hold onto.

My reputation and image. 

Speeches finally ended and we were allowed to eat. Thankfully Sofia isn't engaged yet so that spares us from hearing another boring and questionable as hell speech. 

And yes, there's this questionable rule that only engaged and married royals can give speeches in balls. 

Thank God for that cause I'm definitely not the best with speeches.

Me and Sofia parted ways and I was more than glad to stay away from her. I might've lost my sanity with her by my side. And I was really hungry. 

Despite the unwanted history lessons the Enchancians gave when I attended their balls, one thing's for sure. 

Their food is hella delicious. I'll give them a 10/10 on that. 


Hard To Love #1 | yyyeodangحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن