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As I've mentioned briefly in the last chapter, I don't know what species I want to be for the rest of my life but I do know what I want my end goal to be. It sounds strange, I know, but I do know what I want out of life. My goal is very simple: use my powers to help others and spend my immortality creating a safe place for others on a small farm. I blindly chose immortality when I was younger thinking centuries of life would be epic but now I kind of regret it. I've had results and many signs that I've become immortal, and the thought of having to watch people I love constantly die gets overwhelming at times but it's something an immortal will eventually face. But immortals spend so much time that they become good with money and eventually have millions to share, so why not spend eternity using that to open a shelter for wayward souls and start a farm to help the jobless gain skills for a job and feed those who can't afford food? I also want to strengthen the powers I've gained over the years and those I was born with. While it's near impossible to be born a mythical, many do have natural abilities, usually of the psychic variety. I think that's a good place to start. And with a goal in mind for the future, I can work on the present. I'm currently in college to become an elementary school teacher, and I think it'll be a great career for me before people start to question why I'm not growing older as the years go by. I'm also thinking about making my own subliminals because while I enjoy my current playlist, I'd listen to my subs more often if they had music that I liked. (Which is mostly Broadway musicals, alternate rock, retro, and pop music.) If you have any subliminal requests, let me know.

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