chapter 18: the end of war

Start from the beginning

I reach around the suit, grabbing his shoulders and yanking him forward...hard. Smashing his head into the edge of the cockpit but Quadrich flings me off with a sweep of his arm which sends me slamming into the ground.

Inside the link Jake and Nova are holding their breaths as the toxic pandorian air swirls in, gas alarms loudly shriek. Neytiri is able to shove one free leg with Jake and Tsu'tey soon following in pursuit as they desperately try to pull out their other leg, restless and agitated seeing thier mate hurt.

The ampsuit charges, the knife flashing down as I manage to catch it in both hand, but the force of the attack drives me to my knees. Quadrich pushes the knife down inexorably until I am pinned against a rock, the blade now inches from my throat. "Nova!" I hear my mates call out. From the corner of my eye I am able to see the fear flashing through their eyes as they relentlessly thrash around, trying to get free... to help her.

Inside the link both Jake and Nova are straining to stay conscious, to stay connected as the battle continues outside.

The knife reaches my throat as I close my eyes, kinda accepting my faith but faster than my eyes can see an arrow lands in his cockpit, wizzing mear inches past his head. Both him and I look to see Neytiri standing in a classic archer figure, fury releasing as Tsu'tey helps Jake's nearly unconscious avatar bodies. Living it somewhere safe and out of the way before joining Neytiri and I in the fight.

He nocks another arrow, draws and releases smoothly. The machine topples off as my avatar body lies still as my eyes roll back, falling into a state similar to Jake.

3rd pov

Neytiri and Tsu'tey run up, grabbing the knife as the battle continues, though he as one arrow lodge in his chest he somehow has enough strength to fight more fiercely than before. And with each slash and duck neither of them manage to hit eachother, the strength and adrenaline of the avatars slowly deplete as the man fighting in a suit does not. Talk about being unfair... no, i'll stop now... maybe.

Inside the link human Jake and Nova exsplode out of the link. Jake slams to the floor, immobilised, where he gags for breath. With is last strength he claws towards the emergency breathing mask across the room. He scramble towards ot, on the edge of unconsciousness. Though his thoughts are only on his love. But he knows she can handle herself but still...

Meanwhile this is happening Nova sits up, taking in a deep breath of whatever oxygen there was left to no longer breath in the toxic air. Frantic and in a slight daze Nova rapidly searches for her mate in fear. Only to find him on the floor, seemingly not alive.

Alarmed she rushes to him and puts the mask over his face and-

Gasping his eyes shot open, Jake drags in breath after breath. Relife floods Nova's body as Jake touches her face, his pale human hand stroking Nova's skin. However, that happiness soon turned into fear at the realisation that she is not wearing a mask, but holding a breath to keep her going.

"Nova, your mask-" Jake is cut off by Nova putting a hand on his neck and providing a reassuring smile. But that smile dissapears when she hears the grunts, arrows firing and metals clashing outside.

Looking out the fractured window she can see Tsu'tey and Neytiri on their knees, panting hard and disarmed. Eyes widening and a quick as a flash Nova vaults out the before Jake could stop her. With agility and precision she picked up the discarded knife and jumped as high as she could in human form before plunging the knife into his chest. Smirking Nova lets out the breath she was holding. "Game over!" And with that Quadrich died as the ampsuits fell forward whilst Nova fell the opposite way, dieing from the toxic pandorian air.

"Nova!" Tsu'tey and Neytiri scream. Getting onto their feet they race up to her, cradling her petite body in their enormous ones. Rushing with fear Tsu'tey goes inside the shack, with hope for help.

He vaults through the shattered window, landing in the debris like cats. Jake, paralysed, lieing on the wall he is able to throw a mask to Tsu'tey before giving him a go, hurry, save Nova look. Nodding he grabs the mask and flashes towards Nova's side.

Neytiri forcedly grabs the mask from him and places it over Nova's face as Tsu'tey kneels down beside. A minute goes past and a paralysing terror coarsed through their body. Tears were forming in their eyes when suddenly Nova's eyes shot open, adjusting the mask before gulping in breaths. Missing their relived faces.

He looks up at the two natives, studying her as they hold Nova, seeing her human body for the first time. Nova brings both her hands up to touch theor face. Her pale and fragile one colliding with their blue toned skin. Their eyes meet across the glass mask- together, seprate, wordless.

Nova soon turns her head towards the shack, egar to know if Jake is alright. A little bit jealous at the loss of attention Neytiri goes inside the shack before coming out with Jake, bridal style in his arms only seconds later.

Nova's pov

Giving Tsu'tey a nod he lift me up bridal style, carrying us into the depths of the jungle.

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