Kyojuro Rengoku

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rengoku has the biggest resting bitch face of all time

hes a feral drunkie

hes also a bromosexual...for tengen

he wakes up bright and early in the morning. like 5:30 in the morning

him, mitsuri and tengen have sleepovers a lot

his hidden talent is laughing uncontrollably and then getting serious, like he goes from 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 to 😐

he is oblivious when it comes to love. hes blind when it comes to love too

giyu is a good friends towards rengoku in his own way

he has eating challenges with mitsuri, though mitsuri always wins

hes near sighted

i hope youre doing okay! make sure to eat, sleep, and drink water. thats all, but feel free to comment your headcanons and I'll add them!

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