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     It began to rain just as my foot hit the ground outside of my old home. My mother took my hand and we made our way through the empty Street of Silk, to the king's castle. I could hear the rain pat against my hood and tucked my berry red hair into my scarf as we walked. A crack of thunder struck above us, causing us to quicken our pace. We weren't very far, only two streets away from our new home.

     The thunder wasn't loud enough to cover the moans and screams from the brothels' windows and my mother looked at me in disgust. I could tell she wanted to cover my ears but it would be difficult to walk that way. I blocked it all out by focusing on the splatter of water that hit the ground around me. I spun in excitement and smiled to myself before my mother called to me to hurry up. I ran to her and held onto her hand the rest of the way.

     Glowing open windows stared down at me when I looked up at the castle. I admired it, and feared it. I was beginning a new life here among noblemen and women; the king, queen, and their children made me nervous the most. I wondered how I was going to make friends with them if the children in the streets didn't want to play with me. I held onto the hope that they would like me.

     "Keira King, the Queen's new maid." My mother told the guards for access to the castle. I looked at the guards as they stared off into the dark rain behind us. The lightning above pulsated bright enough for me to see the intricate details on their armor; blue and silver laced across in triangular patterns down the torso with a white cape on their backs each.

     "With me, ma'am." One guard began guiding us to the doors of the castle. I was shivering out of fear and anticipation, but I held myself together as we entered the keep. Maids were running around with linens and trays left and right, and noblemen stood and spoke amongst themselves. I took off my hood and wrung out my hair.

     "Myrhen, please! Not on the castle floor. Wait until we get to our housing before you make a mess." My mother scolded me with serious eyes. I nodded to her and the guard told us to wait where we were standing before rushing off.

      Moments later, a woman with long, brown curly hair and a green dress walked up to us. She looked down and smiled graciously at me before averting her gaze to my mother.

     "You must be Keira. Please, make yourself at home," she spoke nervously before glancing back down at me, "you've brought your children with you?"

     "This is Myrhen. She's my only daughter. I apologize for not mentioning her earlier but time is of the essence." My mother explained before taking off her bag from her shoulders. It was dripping on the floor from the rain and I could see my mother's frustration; her books were in there.

     "Allow Ser Criston to show you to your chambers. I shall have a uniform prepared and extra linens sent up to you soon. Should you need anything, just ask." She said before walking away. A knight walked up to us with his hands behind his back. He didn't have a helmet on so I could see his face; his skin was a darker color, and his hair was well-maintained for a knight.

     "If you will follow me, ladies." Ser Criston led us up to our room and my mother thanked him before closing the door behind us. I laid all my things on the floor in front of the fireplace as my mother lit it up so they could dry overnight. I took my bath and explored the room.

     Two middle-sized bookshelves lined the walls along the sides of the room next to the fireplace. Our room had a balcony, a wash room, and a wardrobe. Our bed could fit about three or four people and had royal blue blankets and pillows. It was a princess' chambers, I thought. I picked out a book and waited for my mother to finish getting ready for bed.

     "What are you readin'?" She asked as she brushed out her wet hair and sat with me on the bed. I shrugged and flipped through the pages in boredom before putting it back. I sat back down and she started brushing through my hair with her fingers. "I know this is hard for you, dear, but I promise we will live a better life here. There are children you can play with, all the food you can eat, and there are even scholars that you can learn from. Don't be so tense. You'll be okay."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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