Chapter two" a quirk awakening"

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The Bakugou' s residence at night

Waking up he feels something burning beneath his palms, it had smelt like burnt charcoal, something was definitely burning, startled awake he screamed.

A scream that woke up his parents in fear, they quickly got up and ran to their sons bedroom where the scream was, in their minds they were thinking the worst because their son never screamed like that, ever.

Immediately they entered their sons room, they were expecting an attempt at a kidnapping, not an appearance of their sons quirk.

After his quirks appearance his parents quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher and took out the fire, as soon as the fire was gone, they grabbed their keys and rushed ahead for the door.

Carrying their son in hand they made their way to the closest hospital; there they went to a quirk specialist where they found out what their sons quirk was explosions, a quirk that allows him to make explosions from his hands by detonating nitroglycerin- like sweat.

That day he was told that he would make great hero in the future, only problem with that, is that he doesnt want to become one, but he will, to protect his family.

Slowly he started to take his training even more so seriously, in the winter he would train his quirk because as much as he doesnt want to admit it, it takes longer for him to accumulate his sweat to activate his explosions, thus making it a weakness, so as to stopping that from happening he puts his hands in boiling water, in winters so that it doesnt look like that he even has a weakness and practiced until dusk to dawn, only to be pulled away to take a break. Only later on finding out that in the summer his quirk is the strongest, allowing him to sweat more and create stronger explosions, it was a pain in the ass to stop his hands from sparking out of control, that was when his parents gave him gloves to stop that from happening.

If they were concerned about his sudden need to train they didn't mention it to him, they were supportive because as a gift for one of his birthdays they would give him weaponry lessons, and basic medical lessons.

He learned how to handle a knife properly, how did he do this? Well, his trainer gave him a book on the human body like where the important organs are and where NOT to target someone in case they bleed out or die from an infection as well as learning by having a target test dummy made of cardboard on his wall as target practice, he throws the knives on the pressure point, hes actually getting quite good at it.

At 6:00pm he would meditate in the dark so he could get a good feel of the darkness and wouldnt feel like hes vulnerable, he turned off all lights that were in his room, closed the door, and closed the curtains, he doesnt know if this would help at all, but its worth a try.

Being a Bakugou you learn things, for instance dancing, dont ask, it was a horrifying experience, he shudders at the thought. Etiquette lessons, which he found quite easy as he learned how to politely insult someone, how to manipulate someone to do his bidding, and learned how to be like in public. He was taught to keep his chin up, eyes narrowed, body straight, have a blank expression, only talk when spoken too, and look that person in the eyes when you talk, that shows that you are not telling lies, but the truth.

Not only did he learn these things, but he also learned what it meant been a Bakugou.


Only respect those who gained your respect, and you as a Bakugou will stay loyal to anyone they deem trustworthy, but remember this son as a bakugou, when a promise is made, you are obligated to keep it no matter who it is, let it be a villain, a hero or someone that is potentially dangerous you must always keep a promise, your pride as a Bakugou is on the line

another was' you must never reveal your true personality unless you trust them, trust them enough with your life'

'yes mother'

End of flashback

This is what he was taught at a very young age, as he grew up, he was repeatedly taught this, he loves his parents he really does, this only fuels his determination in becoming the greatest.

Hes six years old and already knowing the basics of hand-to-hand combat skills, basic medical knowledge, and the basics of handling weaponry, all he does was train and ignored the kids in his class.

Unlike his classmates who are bulling a kid thats quirk less, his name is Izuku Midoriya, a short, round face, framed with short messy, fluffy, dark- green hair which sticks up at odd angles that is shaped around his head. His eyes are large and somewhat circular, his irises is the same color as his hair, green.

In class hes always crying which annoys him to great lengths, putting on his act he befriended Midoriya and acted like an ass all the time so when Midoriya came out as quirk less he began to become more ruthless and started to use his quirk on him, he was ashamed of himself, but he had to do this for the future.

At schools he would act like how the original Katsuki did, however at home he would act differently, his mask is in place, it would never break.

Reborn as class 1a's boom boom boy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora