"If you need help..." I interupted him

"I do not need help." He nodded "Should my problem become horticultural, I shall seek you out." he nodded once more

"you know where to find me- should a plant go missing." He looked at his shoes "I hope you enjoy your breakfast." he walked away quickly

I spun around

thank god he wasn't looking back

I don't come here every day. Just on days when I feel a need.

And sometimes he doesn't take this path.

I chuckled to myself

"You know where to find me." I giggled "such a dork, that Tewksbury"

I paused

"OH MY!" I took the letter out and looked through it "The chapel awaits us with its blossoms white"


As we two ate of the fruit of love, as we two ate...

Two ate, two-eight... Twenty-eight.

"A bell did ring in the sky above" Bell? "So wander that place" Bell. Place. "Out of sight"

28 Bell Place, Whitechapel!

let's do this.


I slowly tip-toed up to the apartment, scared of what I'd find.

after I looked around a bit, I heard muffles.

"Sarah?" I asked. the muffles got louder. I ran upstairs and kicked open the door

"my god... What happened here? Mae." I ran to her and tried to hold down the blood "What happened? Who did this to you? Was it him, Sarah's man? Mae!" I started to tear up

perhaps ive gotten too close to this case.

when Mae took her final breath, she looked at me

we had a mutual understanding

her eyes told me,"protect Bessie."

Josephine Amelia Holmes: Save Me a DanceWhere stories live. Discover now