add.1 Tao's last letter( İngilizce Taonun son mektubu hikayenin adına ithafen)

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Yes I finally found you 

Even how difficult these days were

Even those days were not a reality;

just a dream of someone about us

Should I be thankful for those pains or,

Should I swear and close the book and throw it away

And forget my love that was for you?

Days passed by harshly as if beating me 

Taking a deep breath and hoping as if 

all are just a dream.

I wonder what the days would be like if;

I was really in love with you.

Would our careers get ended forever 

Would we be just dead for the productions

Or someone would support me, you

or just we?

Lies of missing you kill me

Being a passenger on those pages is not

essential but I feel sorry for the tons of SHE*.

Our coming together after years in Korea

 shows the stupidity of this story.  When

 you fucking had left me alone as an abandoned puppy.

 I still support you leaving Exo but you're not coming to

 I breaks my heart. You know Mr Wu;

 if you or I would want to meet again, 

nothing could stop us already,

 unless any of us reject the other one, 

the media could talk about it on the news though. 

 But they are all a secret;

 why don't we come together 

or why we ended our friendship

 is just a mystery.

 All I can say is

 I'm sorry.

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