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i was on my way to the blake's house because they wanted to have a sleepover and robin was gonna be there aswell. i'm very nervous because i think maybe i like him? fuck. i don't know but i just know i can't date him because they always leave no matter how much they say they won't they will.

i was wearing a nice warm outfit which was a dark green tracksuit that was abit baggy on me with a black baseball hat that i was basically now obsessed with. i stuffed my hands into my pockets and began walking. it began to rain abit so i picked up my pace on walking. i tried reaching for my pocket knife but it was not there.

"shit" i mumbled to myself and began walking back home because i can't risk getting murdered and not being able to defend myself.

so i headed back home and grabbed my knife and then tried walking back to the blake's.

as i was walking a black van with the words 'abracadabra' written in green on it began to slow down on the road next to me.

just for safety reason i picked up my pace and kept sure my view on the van did not become out of sight. well that was until it sped up and began taking all the turns i took. fuck.

i began running and i'm very and i mean very fast runner but i just knew i wouldn't be able to out run this car. as i went to cross the road as i turned the corner the van knocked me down on the road. ye that's gonna leave a bruise. i grunted in pain and struggled getting onto my feet so i was crawling on my hands and knees.

i heard the van door slide open and then next thing i know a hand is being snaked around my waste and i'm getting pulled up. i turned around to see a weird looking man? with a mask on covering his face and dressed up as some magician. my eyes widened.

the grabber.

i reached for my pocket grabbing my knife and jabbing it into his arm which made his scream like crazy. he loosened his grip on me with one arm and so i try and rip out of his grip that worked until he tripped me with his foot making me smack my face onto the bare ground and blacking out. fuck.

my eyes began to flutter open after them being shut for so long. but my vision was blurry and my head started to feel horrid. i groaned from the pain squinting trying to look around the room that i was in. i was placed on some bed?

more of an old crusty mattress, and a window with bars covering them up.

that's when i remembered all that happened.


no way am i getting out of here.

my thoughts were soon interrupted by a silver metal door sliding open. i quickly backed up to the end on the bed with my back pressed up hard against the wall. my breathe hitched when the look of a man with a creepy ass mask on opened the door.

(everything im about to write is nothing to do with how finney blake's kidnapping went👍🏼)

he stood there for a second before started to approach the area i was sat.

"how's the head?" he asked titling his head to the side.

i didn't answer i just looked at him with a glare. which he obviously didn't like.

"i asked you a question, did i?" he said with his voice getting deeper. I just frowned harder.

"okay well i'll be back soon, don't miss me too much katie" who the hell is katie? that ain't me? this man gotta sort his shit out.

he began walking back towards the door but before he left he took a glance at me and chuckled to himself.

the door slammed shut as i let out a breathe i didn't even know i was holding in.

i looked around to see my surroundings. trust me they were pretty one bit. as i got up i felt my head start to go dizzy, i groaned at the pain before walking around.

there was a small gap leading towards another room which was a bathroom? well it had a toilet and 3 rolled up carpets. as i began walking back towards the bigger room i tripped on a lose bathroom tile.

"oh fuck off" i mumbled to myself kicking at the floor. which removed a tile.

i walked back over to the mattress and rested my back onto the wall with my arms resting on my knees that were brought up to my chest.

it's fucking cold in this shit hole.

wait. robin.

fuck i was supposed to go to a sleepover at the blake's  and i promised him i would go. great.

i led down on the mattress trying to sleep because i mean what else are you meant to do in a psychopaths basement.

𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞..//𝚛𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝙰𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚘 𝚡 𝚢/𝚗//Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz