17- questions

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Lando:guys I have a very important serious question

Seb:lando are you ok?


Charles:let me mentally prepared for the stupidity lando is going to say

Lando:its not stupid

Charles:ok sure whatever

Yuki:you sound like max



Seb:lando say your question

Lando:ok ready


Max:hurry up

Lando:would you still love me if I was a worm

Seb:you said it was serious

Lando:it is

Carlos:yes I would lando I would keep you in a little wooden house and feed you dirt


Daniel:ofc I will still love you worm or no worm we are bros for life

Lando:😢 thats the best think I have heard from you in a while I think I'm going to miss you

Lewis:I dont mind if your a worm lando I have worm friends at home

Lando:what's your worm friends name




Max:having pet worm is weird

Lewis:your weird

Seb:whoa stop that lewis and max

Lewis:he started it

Lando:max worms have feelings I might be sad if you say that

Seb:everyone go to sleep it is midnight

Lando: ok seb bye



Seb:ok fine you will just be tired tomorrow

Georhe:night seb

Seb:night George

Thank you for reading

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