Chapter 15

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When they finally catch up, there's a queue, but Tommy and Phil have managed to slip in a little earlier. They quickly join them, and Phil gets them each a smoothie, taking an extra for Techno.

They head back to the grass and lie around for a bit, drinking smoothies, until Techno finally appears, looking a little bit worn – his hair is coming out of his ponytail in loose strands.

"Tech, get over here," Wilbur calls, and Techno trots over. "Firstly," Wilbur continues, pulling Techno down and grabbing the smoothie from Phil to hand to him. "Really well done, Tech, you did great, now let me braid your fucking hair for you."

"Oh, I have a brush," Niki pipes up, grabbing her bag and pulling out a small black hairbrush after a quick search. "Here you go!"

"Thanks, Niki," Wilbur smiles, taking it and running it softly through Techno's hair as Techno sips his smoothie, looking pretty content.

"How was the match?" Minx asks, while Wilbur busies himself with the braid.

"Good," Techno hums. "Didn't mess up much this time round. Clay wasn't happy – his, um, his opponent kinda cheated and the judges were a bit, a bit terrible, so he should've gotten through instead of being out so early. But the girl I fought was good. I reckon me, Clay, and her'll get through to the nationals."

"That sounds good," Wilbur nods. "So, uh, which one d'you think you'll get in for?"

Techno considers, and eventually shrugs. "I reckon foil. I did way better in epee, but if Clay does good in sabre he'll be able to get through in that, and I don't really wanna win in all three."

"Why not?" Schlatt asks with a raised eyebow, and Techno shrugs.

"Eh," he says. "Coach was mad I ended the fight too soon last round."

"What? Why?"

"Cause, um, at nationals people sometimes look at other competitors previous rounds. So he wanted me to keep more or less on the low. But also, it'd be rude to win all three, I think."

"Nah, if you got the talent," Schlatt says, then shrugs. "Well, whatever. Might be the clever thing to do. I dunno. Can't wrap my head around these... Game strategy things."

Techno laughs, reaching a hand up to brush at the half braided hair. Wilbur swats his hand away, almost losing strands of hair in the process. "Neither can I, really," Techno says. "I'm good at, um, at in-fight strategy, and war strategy, though – I guess that's not useful really – but political strategy is completely different. I mean, not showing moves is technically war stuff, I mean more like... Social things. I'd, um, I'd rather avoid it where possible."

"That sort of politics is my domain," Schlatt grins widely, clapping Techno on the shoulder. "Kid, if you ever need someone to help you out with talking to people, persuading 'em and such, you call me, yeah? God knows how many times I had to talk to people for Wil before he figured it out."

"Hey," Wilbur laughs, his fingers briefly freezing in the braids as undisturbed memories stir themselves awake. "That was years ago. You aren't allowed to bully me about it."

"I'm not, I'm not," Schlatt protests. "I'm just saying – I'm experienced, man. I can help Techno out. 'Cause he can't be more useless than you."

"Do I sense potential blackmail?" Techno asks innocently, and Wilbur groans.

"Nope, nope. Schlatt, I forbid you from teaching Tech how to blackmail."

"Oh?" Schlatt asks. "Techno, you and I are about to be spending a lot more time together."

"Sure," Techno smirks, and Wilbur can practically see his wicked grin.

"I'm done for."

"Yup," both Schlatt and Techno agree in sync.

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