"Yeah, sure," Tommy nods politely, depositing a handful of sweets into Schlatt's outstretched hands.

"Schlatt," Wilbur pleads, but Schlatt just leans over Techno to give Wilbur a giant smirk and slowly starts eating the sweets by himself.

"Arsehole," Wilbur sulks, slumping back in his seat.

There's nothing to do but look out of the window. Schlatt starts idle conversation with Techno, which turns into Techno rambling about different sword types, and it's a far better substitute for a radio, even if Wilbur does end up tuning out a little in favour of letting his mind drift, building stories and composing music, and he hums faintly to himself as faint swirls of melodies run through his mind.

For once, no one needs an emergency bathroom break, and Tommy eventually (albeit reluctantly) hands out snacks, so they end up not needing to stop at every service station on the way, and the ride is smooth.

"Here," Phil announces, pulling into a wide parking lot outside a huge leisure centre.

"Woah," Tommy says, sounding impressed, sticking his face to the glass. "Are we going in there?"

"Yup," Techno says.

"My parents want to know when we'll be getting back exactly," Schlatt says suddenly, looking at his phone.

"Late," Techno supplies. "It's an all day thing, since they're running loads of different tournaments. I think it ends officially at eight or nine, so back by like... Ten or eleven. Maybe."

"Cool," Schlatt nods. "Thanks."

"Alright, mate?" Phil asks, apparently to no one in particular, and gets out of the car. "We're looking for Minx and Niki, right? What do they look like?"

"Tall and angry, short and less angry," Schlatt supplies, and Wilbur agrees with a nod, because that sounds about right.

"There," he notes suddenly, pointing at a small red car which is hurtling through the parking lot, much to the alarm of the event organisers. It finally parks near them, and Minx steps out from the passenger seat, looking decidedly carsick.

"Hello, Wilbur," Niki beams, stepping out of the driver's seat. "Minx was a little ill on the car ride so I stepped in and drove."

"And I fucking wish you hadn't," Minx groans, clutching at her stomach, before Schlatt walks over to her, smiling faintly.

Niki bounds over to Wilbur, looking entirely too pleased with herself.

"Niki, I think you have a sadistic streak," he tells her.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," she says with an innocent smile. "Well, are we all ready to go?"

"Hopefully," Phil nods, locking the car – though of course Tommy remembers he's left his sweets when they're at the end of the parking lot, so they have to wait for him to drag Phil back to the car and come back again.

The hall is wide and open, reminiscent of an airport, with white metal beams crossing the ceiling and huge windows everywhere. The same hustle is there, of people moving around and pushing past each other, some with yellow or orange event organiser lanyards, though at least there's no luggage.

"It's really busy," Wilbur whispers, and Tommy nods.

"Didn't think there'd be so many nerds like Techno."

"They might be nerds," Wilbur nods, "but they're definitely nothing like Techno."

"True," Tommy agrees, and Techno gives them an uncertain half-pleased look over his shoulder.

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