
Dad says it’s alright for you to stay a few days, but I want you to know I’m fine. Don’t feel obligated to keep an eye on me or anything.
It’s all pretty sad here right now and I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to stay away. Thank you for offering though.


Sirius reread it twice, his heart feeling as though a fist were squeezing it. Remus had done everything to discourage him from staying with him except for flat out refusing him, and hurt tightened his chest. He set his jaw stubbornly and looked up at Dumbledore, who was watching him expectantly.

‘I’ll be staying with Remus until after the Easter holidays, Sir,' Sirius said firmly. 'Could I take some homework assignments with me? Remus won’t want to miss out on anything.’

Dumbledore smiled an approving smile, his eyes twinkling. ‘That is what I expected, Mr Black,' he nodded. 'Professor McGonagall is arranging some lesson plans for you and Mr Lupin to work through.’ He stood up and Sirius absently mirrored him. 'You, Mr Potter and Mr Pettigrew will need to be ready to leave after breakfast in the morning.'

Sirius nodded and crumpled up the dissuading note in his fist, throwing it into the fire on his way out of the Headmaster‘s office.

Whether you want me or not, Remus Lupin, I'm coming.



‘We can go.’

James had stood when Sirius entered the dorm but with his confirmation that they were all set to go and see Remus, he fell back into the bed.

‘Thank Merlin,' he breathed. 'I’d hate for him to have to do this alone.’

Peter sat down on the bed next to him. ‘He’s not really alone. He's got his dad…’

‘Pete, his dad’s going to be a mess,' James scolded, frowning at the blonde. 'You’ve seen his parents together - it’s almost sickening how sweet they are with each other.’

James' face blanched and he sat up. ‘How sweet they were with each other,' he corrected himself and Peter winced. They had all liked Mrs Lupin.

The frown Sirius had been wearing for the last few days deepened and he sat down on Remus’ bed. The impact of his backside hitting the bedspread sent an invisible cloud of scent into the air, tendrils of perfume wrapping themselves around Sirius. For a moment, he closed his eyes and breathed in the aroma of the friend who had come to mean so much to him. Tears stung his eyes as the earthy, musky scent faded, and he rubbed his palm over the werewolf’s pillow, hoping some of the fragrance that drove him to distraction when they were in close quarters would transfer to his skin, would leech into his pores so he could carry a little piece of Remus with him.

Sweet Circe, I miss him so much.

‘Sirius? Are you alright?’

Sirius nodded, not opening his eyes until he was sure his ridiculous tears wouldn’t spill over, then he told them his other piece of news.

‘I’m going to stay with Remus once the funeral’s over and for the holidays if he’ll have me.’

He looked up to see James and Peter glance knowingly at each other and realised that his friends were already pretty sure that Remus had indeed been having him on a regular basis. They seemed to be silently communicating then James, with a reluctant expression, turned back to Sirius and opened his mouth.

Sirius got in first. ‘Look, you…you’ve obviously worked out that something’s going on with Remus and I,' he said softly, staring down at the stone floor. 'But…I don’t know what it is yet and I don’t want to talk about it. But regardless of anything else that's happened, he’s one of my best mates and I’m not letting him do this alone.’

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