The Sue Sylvester Shuffle

Start from the beginning

"I'm not gonna yell at you, Addie," the older girl said. "I just want to know why you sang that song with Rachel."

"She wanted to make Finn jealous so she asked me and Puck to help her."

"Bull shit," Quinn scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You wouldn't just agree to sing a love song with her if you weren't getting something out of it. What did she bribe you with, huh? Coffee? A gross make out session?"

"Why do you care?" Adalynn asked, her voice raising a bit. "It's just a song, Quinn. It doesn't mean anything."

"Bull fucking shit, Adalynn. You wanted to make me jealous. You knew exactly what you were doing by singing that with her."

"So what if I did?" the younger girl asked, throwing her arms up in the air, angry tears filling her eyes. "It's not like it matters anyway."

"It does matter, Adalynn!" Quinn snapped.

"Why are you getting so fucking worked up about this?!" Adalynn cried, sighing in frustration when Quinn didn't respond. "That's what I thought."


"Don't," the brunette said, pushing the older girl away when she tried to reach out to her. She turned and walked away, the tears she was trying to hold back finally falling down her cheeks.


Sue pulled the Cheerios from the halftime show, resulting in the New Directions now having to perform instead.

"No fricking way," Karofsky spat.

"We don't have a choice," said Mr. Schue. "Sue pulled the Cheerios from the game, so if we don't do it, there's no halftime show."

"And this is a problem because?" Lauren questioned.

"It's not a problem," said Coach Beiste. "It's an opportunity."

"An opportunity to humiliate ourselves," one of the football guys grumbled.

"The whole point of this week was to bring you guys together," the football coach said. "To bring the school together."

"So you want us to play the first half, change into some 'sequine' ball gowns, and then go out and do the halftime show at our own championship game?" Azimio asked.


"It's the championship game!" Azimio whined. "This is a crazy town! This is crazy!"

"What about the Cheerios in Glee Club?" Adalynn asked, looking over at the Unholy Trinity.

"They have a choice," said Mr. Schue. "Us, or the Cheerios competition."


The Glee Club was having a zombie boot camp to prepare for the halftime show later that week. Adalynn sat at a vanity by herself as she did a smokey eye, pursing her lips slightly as she smudged her eyeliner.

"Can we talk?" Quinn asked as she sat down next to the younger girl, who only hummed in response. "I feel really bad about the other day, Adalynn."

"I'm sure you do," the brunette mumbled as she applied some black lipstick.

"Look, I get it. You have every reason in the world to hate me right now. But I want to make things right."

"So what are you going to do about it?" Adalynn asked, turning to face the older girl.

Quinn bit her lip as she stared at Adalynn. The make-up she applied on and around her eyes made the blue pop in the most beautiful way. She had chosen to do her make-up in all black, which made the younger girl look more like a vampire than a zombie, but the blonde found it quite fitting to her tough exterior.

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