After plopping on my spot on the couch I tune into watching new girl, we end up watching a half a season before we go to our rooms.

Right as I'm falling asleep I get a message from leon.

Leon😍: ❤

The following morning I wake up and reply to Leon's message with a heart before getting ready for the day. We have an early game so I prep for the game.

I change into dress pants, one of my flowey tops and one of my blazers after putting a little bit of makeup on.

While I'm making breakfast and coffee jules comes in rubbing her eyes. "Oh thank god coffee" she days taking the mug I had waiting for her. "Welcome" I reply taking a sip of mine. "Have you talked to leon?" She asks. "He sent me a heart before I fell asleep" I answer.

"Awe that's cute" she pouts. "I know but he's still an ass for assuming I'd cheat" I add. She nods in agreement "yeah, how are you feeling about it?" She asks. I sigh "stressed, like if something like that happens again are we going to be ok?" I answer getting emotional.

She frowns and pulls me into a hug "hey hey stop it, we're not crying before the game" she says. I wipe under my eyes and nod "ok ok" I whisper. "Just talk when he comes home, everything is going to be okay between you two, you're perfect together" she says.

We talk and eat breakfast before she drives us over to the arena for our game. The guys are gone so it's going to be pretty quiet in the stands without them.

Next thing I know we're 20 minutes into the game, jules started off by getting us a goal not even a minute in. A couple minutes later I got the next goal. We're leading 2-0 nothing as the second period starts.

18:50 melissa scores
16:10 jules scores her second
14:20 I get my second
10:00 the other team gets on the score board making it 5-1
6:25 kandyce scores assisted by melissa
2:03 nessa shoots it towards me near the end and I shoot it right into the back getting a hat trick

The second period ends and it's 7-1. We go back to the locker room and I grab my phone checking it while our coach is giving us a speech about how proud of us he is.

Zach: amazing hat trick!

Leon: good job

Lauren: you're on fire girl

I smile and reply to them all quickly before putting it away.

To zach: thanks bro!

To leon: thanks Bub

To lauren: ahh I know!

The third period starts and the other team switch goalies, unfortunately for us she is better and stops our shots. Nessa continues to be a beast and block as many shots as she possibly can.

We win 7-2.

After getting home and showering I change into pajamas and put on the Oilers game. They're just starting so I sit back relaxing.

They show leon and he had his poker face on, sometimes he's easy to read and sometimes he's hard to read. Right now he is hard to read.

Connor gets them on the score board with 9 minutes left of the first, assisted by leon. Even while celebrating he doesn't smile. With a minute left the islanders tie it.

During the second period leon scores his first of the game and my brother also scores. Making it 3-1. With 30 seconds left of the second the islanders score again.

3-2 going into the third.

16:30 Oscar scores
12:20 islanders score
9:00 leon scores
7:12 connor scores
4:25 leon scores again
2:45 islanders score
1:10 my brother scores the final goal of the night making it 8-4 for the Oilers.

Right as I'm about to fall asleep my brother texts me.

Zach: road trip has been extended



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