A Need For A Scheme

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Zach Varmitech, the cunning CEO of Varmitech Industries, observed the scene from his nearby office building. "There goes WordGirl again! How delightful to witness her perpetual heroics," he sneered, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Ugh! She's so annoying, even more annoying than those Wild-Rats!"

An idea sparked within him, and he swiftly directed his nearby Zachbots into action. "Zachbots, descend and extract Dr. Two-Brains and his lackeys from that squad car. AND STEP ON IT!" He commanded, a devious grin plastered on his face.

The Zachbots saluted in acknowledgment before swiftly flying out of the window. Within moments, they intercepted the squad car, halting it in its tracks. With mechanical precision, one robot immobilized the vehicle while the other forcibly extracted the villains. As they departed, they left the squad car flattened, much to the bewilderment of the officers.

"Hey! What's the big idea?" Dr. Two-Brains bellowed indignantly as one of Zach's robots released him from his restraints, glaring furiously at him. Zach maintained his devious grin, unfazed by Dr. Two-Brain's ire.

Turning his attention to a large monitor, Zach deftly manipulated the keyboard, summoning images of fellow villains: Gaston Gourmand, Donita Donata and her henchman Dabio, and Paisley Paver. Each of them appeared visibly annoyed by the interruption, their expressions reflecting their discontent at being summoned unexpectedly.

"What is it, Zach? Can't you see we're in the midst of our endeavors?" Paisley complained.

"Yeah! Such as perfecting my exquisite cuisines!" Gourmand chimed in, irritation evident in his tone.

"My apologies for the interruption, but Dr. Two-Brains and I have concocted a plan that will not only rid us of those troublesome Wild-Rats but also eradicate WordGirl herself!" Zach announced triumphantly, his grin widening with anticipation.

"We do?" Dr. Two-Brains inquired, confusion evident on his face as he struggled to grasp the intricacies of Zach's scheme.

"Allow me to elucidate! If we can rally all the villains in the city to unite with us, our combined forces will render us invincible!" Zach elaborated, his voice brimming with determination.

Dr. Two-Brains expressed his skepticism, citing past failures in collaboration among villains. Gourmand nodded in agreement, underscoring their collective inability to cooperate effectively.

"Zach, while I do admire your enthusiasm, what makes you think that this endeavor will yield different results?" Dr. Two-Brains sighed wearily, skepticism evident in his tone.

"But this time will be different," Zach declared confidently, his tone unwavering. "With our collective might, they won't stand a chance against us. Together, we will vanquish them and emerge victorious!"

Dr. Two-Brains remained skeptical. "I'm not sure about this. Convincing the others to cooperate might be difficult, and even if they agree, success is far from guaranteed."

"Rest assured, I have a strategy to win them over. Once we stand united, nothing can thwart our victory!" Zach responded, a cunning grin spreading across his face.

"We shall see," Dr. Two-Brains muttered skeptically, his arms crossed and eyes narrowed in disbelief. "I just hope you know what you're doing, Zach."


"At last! I've got it!" Hacker exclaimed, leaping up from his chair. Buzz and Delete rushed into the room, intrigued by the abrupt shift in their boss's mood. Hacker dashed over and enveloped them in a hug, his excitement contagious as he shared his breakthrough.

"Boss, what's got you so thrilled?" Buzz gasped, struggling for breath as Hacker squeezed him tightly.

"I'm doing splendidly, boys!" Hacker exclaimed, releasing them and stepping back. "I've devised a foolproof plan to rid ourselves of those meddling Earthlings once and for all!"

"How?" Delete inquired, scratching his head in confusion.

"Well, we're aware they access Cyberspace through a portal from the real world, correct?" Hacker stated, his eyes glinting with determination.

"Yeah?" the two replied, still uncertain of his intentions.

"Wait, Boss, is this similar to what happened during Halloween in R-Fair City, when you trapped the Earth kids in Cyberspace by crashing Motherboard's portal system with that portal freezing ray thingy?" Delete recalled, referencing past events.

"Not quite," Hacker replied, his tone turning serious. "No, what I have in mind is the creation of a device that, once completed, will enable us to open a portal to... the Real World!" He exclaimed, pausing for dramatic effect.

"THE REAL WORLD!?" The two gasped in shock.

"Indeed, my Marvelous Trouble Troopers, the Real World! And once we infiltrate it, we can locate those Earth brats and eliminate them. Cyberspace will be solely mine, and no one will impede our conquest!" Hacker declared triumphantly.

"Wow, Boss, that sounds complicated. Are you sure it'll work?" Delete asked, his brows furrowing with concern.

Hacker's confidence faltered for a moment, but he swiftly regained his composure. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing. Even if they uncover our scheme, it will be too late for them to thwart us. Now, all we need is portal dust, and..."

Delete hesitated, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Um, Boss, was that large jar of sparkly stuff in the storage closet portal dust by any chance?"

Hacker's expression darkened as he swiftly grasped the implication. "You spilled it, didn't you?"

Delete nodded sheepishly. "I... I thought it was just glitter, Boss. I was planning to use it to create a sparkly picture of a bunny, but I accidentally knocked it over and cleaned it up. I had no idea it was portal dust."

For a moment, silence hung heavily in the air. Hacker's face flushed red with anger. He seized Delete by the shoulders, hoisting him up to eye level, his voice dripping with fury. "You... YOU DUNCEBUCKET!!!! I NEEDED THAT PORTAL DUST TO ACCESS THE REAL WORLD AND RID MYSELF OF THOSE EARTH BRATS! YOU'VE RUINED EVERYTHING! WHY CAN'T YOU GET ANYTHING RIGHT?" His voice reverberated through the room.

Delete's eyes welled up with tears, his voice quivering as he choked out an apology. "I... I'm sorry, Boss. I didn't mean to mess up. Please forgive me."

Hacker roughly set Delete back down on the ground, his anger still simmering beneath the surface. "Find another means to obtain portal dust, and do it swiftly! We cannot allow this setback to impede our progress," he commanded, struggling to regain his composure.

"But how are we going to do that?" Buzz interjected. "Portal dust is hard to find, and no one knows how it's made!"

Hacker's frustration briefly resurfaced, but a reluctant determination crept into his voice. "Well, actually, I may know someone who could assist us," he muttered softly, as if the admission pained him.

"Who is it?" Delete inquired, attempting to wipe away the tears streaming down his face.

"Ledge," Hacker sighed bitterly, his resentment evident. After a moment's hesitation, he urged them, "Let's go." With a firm grip on their arms, Hacker briskly guided them toward the ship's control room.

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