mad at you

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when you act like your mad at them

- awww
- he's so worried and sad and lonely he can't function right
- tries to hold your hand
- tries so hard to talk to you
- doesn't like when your mad at him
- when you tell him it's a joke he's not happy
- "that was mean"
- pouty hugs

- ugh she thought
- he's annoyed that your 'mad' him so he does it to
- actually gets kinda upset
- pokes you
- he misses you even though your right by him
- when you tell him it's a joke he's very offended
-"love we could of spent that time cuddling"
- spam kisses

-that's mean
- thought he did something for you to be mad at him
- overthinks :(
- really times to communicate with you
- just gives up
- sad when you tell him it's a joke
- "that was mean"
- ignores you for 3 minutes as revenge

- loser
- thinks your being stupid cause he's so hot who wouldn't want to talk to him
- kind of misses you though
- bullies you
- is trying anything to get your attention
- "fine I'll go find a new girlfriend"
- you tell him it's a joke
- "I don't care loser you lost your shot"
- bullies you some more
- kisses galore

OUTCAST! The Black Phone preferences 📞Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon