I won't say I am in love

Start from the beginning

You started laughing uncontrollably, as the mermaids stared at you in disbelief. Felix blushed in embarrassment and looked away, frowning.

"It's not funny!" He cried, trying to squirm away from those beasts.

"It is! You look so… cute!" You admitted, clutching your stomach as you struggled to breath. You could have died laughing, literally.

"I am not cute! Now kill those bitches before I skin you!"

"Is your mate always this feral?" One of them asked, while caressing the boy's cheek.

"We are not mates!" You both screamed at the same time.

"Too bad… Will you care if we drown him then eat him? We haven't had a proper meal in so much time…" Another one suggested.

"I dare you to touch him." You darkly growled, touching your pommel's sword, glaring at them. "I am pretty quick when it comes to cutting fish."

They hissed at you and pushed the blond haired boy in the water. His hands and feet were tied and you watched, panicked as he sank at the bottom of the sea. The mermaids immediately jumped into the water, quickly followed by you.

You hated fighting into the sea and your hair will take forever to dry. Everything was blurry and you could only see forms around you, circling and scratching your skin. You needed to get Felix out of here first, he wasn't a pretty good swimmer.

You saw him trying to fight against the mermaids. Taking off your dagger, you waved your hands at the bodies who were trying to kill you. Finally, you plunged your dagger into the leader's stomach and you profited from this attack to get the blond haired boy. He was panicking and already breathing water in. Stupid boy.

You brought him as fast as you could to the surface and you realized all the boys were gone. You rolled your eyes at that. You pulled the second in command to you as you walked on the beach, but with his heavy weight, you fell again with a groan.

"Untie me!"

"Oh wow, no "thank you for saving me"?" You smirked as you cut the ropes with your sword. "You owe me a dagger Felix-"

He caught you off guard. But once you realized Felix was kissing you,It instantly warmed you.your heart exploded and your stomach unleashed a million butterflies. Your hands flew to the boy's hair, trying to return the kiss fiercely, but he was just too fast. You almost whined when the blond haired boy suddenly parted away, glancing at you with a dumb look. His cheeks were red too.

"I… I am sorry. I don't know what I am doing." He stuttered before leaving you on the beach alone.

The following days, you desperately tried to get Felix's attention, but he didn't give it to you. In fact, he was avoiding you, you were very certain about it: the way his eyes never wandered to your person, even when you were right in front of him! This was so absurd, you just wanted to talk with him about what happened at the hidden beach, after you saved him. You were in your right to do so. You expected explanations and he wasn't giving them.

After another failed attempt, you decided to let some steam off by shooting apples and other mannequins with your bow. At least, you were training, but everything came back to Felix and his stupid cute face. You groaned again, when your arrow flew past a mannequin's head.

"That was pretty awful. Your aim is terrible."

You turned your head and gave a quick greeting nod to Peter Pan as he suddenly appeared from the shadows. You wondered if he knew about the whole situation: he had eyes and ears everywhere on the island. After all, he was the king. Your assumption was correct when Peter started to ask questions about what was going on with Felix. So, you started to tell him everything that had happened after you went to save Felix.

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