well fuck.

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Toby's POV

I was walking home after a 4-day exorcism, nothing special in fact, its the quickest one I had from all my years of experience mostly they last 7-10 but that's a level 5 the exorcism I was working with probably was like a 4 or I don't know, I didn't pay attention to the level since the first time I got there that thing tackled me and almost teared my face off but the only thing that matters for me is that I finally get some time to rest..

as I got home I quickly fell onto my couch enjoying the silence in my apartment, I enjoyed my times of rest which...I sadly didn't get much probably due to stupid embarrassing memories and tics

every 5 minutes a new case was assigned to me which was kinda annoying...well not kinda EXTREMELY annoying, but its my job to attend those calls plus I chose this so I wont complain much

and just as I was about to fall asleep I heard my house phone ring

I groaned in annoyance

I quickly stumbled to my kitchen where my house phone was located I picked it up and spoke "Rogers residence what do you want?"

some silence swallowed the call until a shaky voice responded " h-hello? is t-this M-Mr. Tobias?"

"yes, this is Tobias the exorcist" I say trying to sound as sane as possible

there was more silence until some growls were heard faintly but slowly grew closer

there were mumbled I couldn't understand much other than the words 'help' and 'he doesn't have eyes'

"could you please tell me where you are?" I say trying to be as quiet as possible but loud enough for them to hear

"Lilith's suntown street' was lightly heard before a loud growl and a scream was heard and the call ended

I looked in shock since no one really has gotten attacked while in a call with me as surprising as that sounds.

I quickly made my way to get my stuff thankfully and tragically that street is literally right next to where I live...yayyy

I quickly made my way down to where she mentioned and I saw this one house with crowds of people around it, I assume it was that one

I walked up to the house and noticed one of my co-workers standing there too so I might as well ask them

I snuck behind them as quiet as possible, "hey." they scream in horror from the jump scare

"OH! toby! just who we needed!" they said with a hint of sarcasm in their tone

"who got possessed now" I ask

"This guy, I guess his name was Jack...Uhhh Jack Nichole I think?" they respond looking at the depressed-looking house

"Ill go in, call 911 now just incase I die or some shit" I say walking up to the door and opening it

I saw the usual horrifying scene blood, bodies, and organs

I walked in like if it were to be just another Tuesday and I was walking into a friends house

there was silent for a bit until I felt some rough pressure on my head causing me to fall unconscious


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