Mr walker: we just had 98 kids here now there gone

Ethan: Peter?

Peter: guys I think you need to see this

Linda: when did we ever got a turkey

Mr walker: I don't know I tried to make a turkey but it got burned

Peter: or maybe the turkey is a alien

*mr walker Ethan and Linda looked at Peter*

Peter: what it could happen

Mr walker: Peter may be right

Ethan: ok well I don't know how to control my power unless I'm mad

Linda: Ethan your a dork

*ethan for mad and glowed powerful yellow*

Ethan: oh I see what you did Linda you said that to make me mad

Linda: yup

Ethan: well let go

Peter: ahhhhhhh

Mr walker: Peter where are you

*big giant turkey monster screams

Ethan: hmm I wonder if I can do more things than power dash into enemy's

Linda: well you think of that I'm going in

*linda jump into big turkey monster mouth *

Ethan: what a minute

*ethan form a power ball*

Ethan: nice ok I can do this

*power ball get stronger*

Ethan: I hope your ready for the time of your life turkey

(Meanwhile with Linda)

Linda: guys are you ok

Peter: we are ok I just managed to find a weakness the stomach and we're in the stomach

Linda: I can tell this is going to be gross

(Meanwhile with Rex and shade)

Rex: that was a nice dinner

Shade: hey follow me

Rex: ok?

*rex and shade walks into a alleyway

Rex: ok

*shade grabbed Rex*

Shade: oh I feel like doing something with you

Rex: why do I have this good feeling and why do I like this

Shade: because it called love

*shade slowly lift rexs shirt*

Rex: hey what are you doing to me

Shade: oh you find out

*shade slowly pull rex pants down*

Swift: hey Rex reptile ninja what yo- what the heck did I interrupt you you know what I will just go

Rex: huff puff grrrr

Shade: oh wow what abs you have they look just like my abs your a big boy

Rex: yes I'm a big boy 🥴

Shade: your a good boy

Rex: yes I'm a good boy 🥴

*shade put a collar on rex*

(discontinued) Champion mortal fighters SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now