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Vance's pov:

I was with Bruce, we had finally made up or whatever. If anyone asks he apologize first not me. But if you're apart of the Friend group you know I apologized first. My phone was going off, it was honestly ruining our mood. We were just trying to peacefully make chocolate covered strawberries. But whoever the hell was blowing up my phone was getting on my last nerves. I hurried and picked it up not caring to look at the caller ID. "Who the fuck is this, and do you have a death wish?" "Now now vancey that's no way to talk to someone over the phone." I took the phone from my ear and looked at the caller ID, shit it was fucking Liam. "Uh Bruce I'll be right back." I walked outside in the cold ass fucking weather. "What the hell do you want." "I wanna see you, we should meet up, go somewhere, just have a little hangout as friends." He said. "Why?? Can't you hang out with Griffen, or fucking Tyler." I said grimacing. "They don't interest me anymore, although you do, so if you want to hangout go to the cafe around the corner from your school, I'll wait if you don't come I'll leave you alone." He said. "And if I do come?" "Than enjoy yourself, we can go to a movie or something anything you want." I could tell he was smiling. "Bullshit, what's the fucking catch??" "Nothing swear." "Fine.. I'll meet you at 7 no later, no earlier." "Okay see you later, love you." I hung up on the prick. Who the hell does he think he is. This is practically black mail.

So I ended up going, told Griffen I was hanging out with a friend. Uh technically I'm not lying, and Bruce won't get mad bc he'll never know. Liam took me to a fucking carnival do I look like I'm fucking 5. "Vance I got cotton candy." He said approaching me. "Give it to me dickhead." "You know you'd be much more likeable if you lost the attitude and acted how you did before we broke up." He said handing me the cone. "Shut the hell up for once, why are you always bringing up the past." "Why are you dating Bruce yamada but hanging out with me??" He said in the snarkiest fucking tone. "Because you won't hop off." "You know you still love me." "In your damn dreams."

Liam's pov:

"You know Vance we could get back together, but you wanna waste your time on Bruce of all people." "I'm not wasting my time, he actually appreciated me." He said started to get mad. "Well you can't tell me you don't feel at least a tiny bit of feelings for me." I said grinning. "You're right I don't, I'm in a fully committed relationship and haven't thought about you once." He said throwing his trash on the ground. "Oh that's a load of bullshit, if you don't feel shit for me why would you come??" "Do we have to get into that right now?"  He said trying to change the subject. "C'mon Vance, how come you ditched Bruce to hangout with me.? It's because you still love me and you know it." "No I don't." "Yes you do so you might as well ditch him for real this time."

"I don't have time for this." "Answer me Vance." "I fucking did." "NO THE FUCK YOU DIDN'T." I did raising my voice. I wanted Vance, I want him to date me so why is he with Bruce,. "FINE I DO STILL FEEL SHIT FOR YOU. BUT YOU NEVER WANTED ME, AND IM WITH BRUCE AND I LOVE HIM. YOU NEED YO GET THAT IMPLANTED IN YOUR FUCKING HEAD. YOU DIDN'T WANT ME UNTIL AFTER I GOT WITH HIM." He said finally snapping than going away. There were eyes on me now, I felt uncomfortable, and I to left.

Sorry for not updating in awhile🤍🤍 please excuse any to all errors I'm writing on 30 mins of sleep, have an amazing day/afternoon/night and have a great Thanksgiving tmrw

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