Chapter 5~Friends again?~

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I wake up to my favorite song playing loudly. "Oh gosh..." I say before yawning. Looking at my surroundings I notice something different. "Was it always there?" I ask myself but shake it off. "I really should go over Andy's... I need to know why he reacted like that..." ' sigh ' I walk into the living room and see the horrendous mess. "Shit...I forgot about this." I walk around picking up the cups and trash from presents.

Time skip to when your done

I grab my phone, wallet, and the presents that Andy left and pull out of the driveway. I cut on the radio and my favorite song is on. I start singing but then I notice something weird. "What...? I thought you were in the back seat..." I question trying to think back to what I did before I got in the car. I looked behind me, and thats where the other gifts were at. They were back there, so why not him? I pull into Amdy's driveway and knock on the door. After a few minutes someone finally answered, but it wasn't Andy. It was Shit-Face Madison... "'s you. What do you want?" She asks uninterested. "I'm here to see Andy, move." I say and push her out of the way. I walk through the hallway and find Andy sitting on the couch. "Y/-Y/N?" Andy stutters. He quickly grabs you in for a hug, and for the first time since last night something is going your way. "I'm so sorry about the party Y/N! I didn't mean to cause a scene or was just the doll." Andy says. "What, are you scared of him?" You ask while passing him the 2 other gifts. "No, I just didn't expect it. Also I'm sorry about Maddie, I really shouldn't have let her do that..." He says with a sad look on his face. You give him a smile. How couldn't you forgive him, look at his cute dimples. But Madison on the other hand wad a different story.   "Here you go!" You say and hand the doll to him. He sets it down on the other side of the couch. "I'm sorry about leaving early too, you set the party up and all of that." He says. You nod and give him a gesture that tells that he's forgiven. " Could you and Maddie maybe leave for 20 minutes, to get me food from our favorite place? I need to take care of some...ur- business..." He says. You look at him confused but you give him a nod. "Madison...Andy wants some food from Salmon Lakes Fish Place..." I say angrily. "Whatever, we'll take my car. " She says avoiding contact. I walk over to the passenger door but it wouldn't open. I pointed to the door trying to signal to her that it was locked. She then pointed to the backseat and you tried to open the back door it was unlocked. You opened up the door confused. It was all messy back ther with clothes, drinks, and other junk... "Am I supposed to sit back here?" You question. "What does it look like, get in if you're coming or you can stay behind." She threatened. I sighed and got in.

The ride was long and bumpy but eventually you guys got the fish and went back to his house. "Hey, I got a call, take the food into the house, will ya'?" She asked before shoeing me away.  I went to the door and before I could ask for a key She drove off. "I don't have the energy for this right now..." You say before turning the knob. It's unlocked, and you could hear screaming inside. A rush a fear flooded over your body. The door was unlocked and someone was screaming inside, so it must be Andy. You quickly ran into the house in search of your friend. "Andy?!!?" You yell, looking around the house. You go to his bedroom and find a figure tied up to a chair. You couldn't tell who it was since it was really dark but you ran to them and gave them a hug. " Oh my God Andy, I'm going to save you!" You yell and try to untie him, but it's someone else...Something smaller. " me..." You hear the figure cry. It's a voice that's not Andy's though. " Y/N...back away or I'll shoot...!"

Word count: 749

{ Just You And Me } Chucky x Fem-ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now