Sickfic-Aether&Childe "You're not weak"

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Warning: Vomiting.

Aether was about to finish his last comission when he sensed some incredible strong pain from his head. was hurting since this morning but atleast it was bearable.."Aether? Are you fine?",Paimon asked with her high pitched voice..that really didnt make it any better. "Yeah I'm fine. Dont worry". "Then get yourself together and lets do this comission. And dont slag off!". Dont slag off..dont be lazy. The words echoed in Aethers head,he never wanted to be lazy or weak. Thats when he decided to dont tell anyone how he's really feeling.

The day goes by and the headache didnt have mercy on him. His comissions were over by now,but they needed some ingridents to cook..Paimon was whining all day about how hungry she is. "I dont understand how you can eat so much",he said while picking up some flowers. "Ha! Paimon has an unlimited stomach!",Aether just rolled his eyes.

Aether sets the food on the plates and walks over to give it Paimon. "Arent ya going to eat something?",Paimon Asked when she noticed that Aether not even touched his food. "'re right. Sorry I was..focused on something",he begins to eat,his stomach felt worse with every bite he takes. Oh dear..that was a bad idea

After they both finished eating,Paimon already fell asleep. She snored and cuddled herself into a little blanket. Aether sighs,the outcame was a hoarse voice. He feels the headache still doing its worst.  Suddenly his throat began to tickle and he starts to cough. Oh no no. Not now! He's not weak,he can't get sick now. With a quick couch here and there he finally fell asleep.

When he woke up he was feeling the worst. His throat was aching. His head was pounding,everything hurt,he could barely stand. But even with that all going he still managed to take his comission. But Katherine sensed something was weong..but stubborn Aether insisted to do this comissions. So now hes standing here,fighting the hilichurl with all of his strength while he barelys sees anything through his glasy eyes."Aether watch out!",Paimon just screams and doesnt notice how bad his friend is feeling. After finally getting done,Aether tries to catch his breath. He just coughed and then made his way to next comission.

For this comission he took the way through the City. Liyue was beautiful..usually but today with all his Pain going on he just wishes everyone would dissapear. "Aetheeeeer!",came suddenly from a certain ginger. Oh no..not now Aether thought to himself. "Hows it going buddy? What ya doing here?",Childe was already on his way over to Aether. "Everythings good. We're just on our way to the next comission",The blonde boy tried to fake a smile to make it atleast a little believable. "Thats glad to drank enough today bud? You seam a little..pale",Oh no he noticed..crap"Yeah everythings fine like I said. Just a little hot today,isnt it."."..Its like 59 Fahrenheit..",the ginger answered. Oh shit shit hes feeling hot too..what is he going to do? Why today? Why didnt he just stay in the Inn.."Aether? Earth to Aether?",The blonds breathing became uneasy and faster. He's so afraid someone finds out how weak he is..Childe realised something wasnt right so he took Aethers Hand and pulled him between two houses. "Hey buddy? Are you really alright?",Thats when Aether fell into a coughing fit. "Oh man. You sure youre not sick?",Childe could feel how hot the traveler was. He laid his hand on his forhead. "How long?","..s-since yesterday..". The harbinger just sighed "You silly stubborn Traveler". The poor boy began to shiver and pressed himself on Childe,to seek for any warmth. "Lets go to a Inn. Shall we?",Aether just nodded weakly,shivering and coughing into Childes grip. After finding Paimon,telling her Aether needed some rest and she should go to a resteraunt Childe carried the blonde like a child into the Inn. He booked a room and brought Aether in bed. The traveler kicked his shoes and gloves off with the last strength he had and pulled the blanket over him. His stomach churned and felt teribble..he just wanted to faint and fall asleep. "Do you need anything? Soup or water?",Childe asked while feeling his temperature again. "Ngh..",were all that came out of Aethers mouth before he leaned over the bed and emptied his stomach. Damnit..that mist be chicken he had yesterday.. That was the last straw and the poor blond began to cry. He sniffed and slurred,"I'm sorry Childe..I'm so weak. Everything hurts. I'm sorry". Childe laid his hand others back to stroke it,"Everyone gets sick,Aether. You,me and probably even Paimon",He chuckled slightly,"But its strong to admit it. Youre not weak. Let me help you." Aether felt finally relived,he nodded and after vomiting his guts out for a second time he could finally lay down. "You know. When Teucer got sick he was always so fussy about it..but I know one or two things about how to handle it..",Childe whisperes not to irritate Aether more. The ginger stroked over Aethers stomach to sooth him. "Whatcha got man? Where does it hurt buddy?",."mhm..Head..stomach..Ankles..",he coughed again. "Oh that sounds terrible",Childe said with pity in his voice,"but dont worry I'll be here to take care of you". The blonde smiled weakly,"Thanks..". The other one smiled and kept stroking his stomach, "Rest now..and dont worry you're not weak".

When Aether fell asleep,Childe made his way to get some medicine and soup for when he wakes up. He's a real good friend..but wait..where did Paimon go???

This is my first one like this. Let me now how it turned out and dont forget to tell me what I should write in the future

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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