First day! (woohoo...)

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You guys ended up not having a celebratory dinner since it was a weekday, plus all of you were in different regions. It would be a hassle to meet up on such short notice (much to Shoko's disappointment)

But at least you guys get to meet up during bigger holidays

20 August 2012, Monday, 7:00am

Humming a small tune, you smoothed out your uniform, patting down any awkward folds. You let out a satisfied noise once you were done, 'This should be presentable enough...'

"[N/Name]! I've prepared a bento for you!" 

"Coming grandma!" You picked up your bookbag and gym bag before bolting out of your room. "Don't run, you might fall, bunny" Her voice rang through the hallway

"Sorry..." You said sheepishly, putting your bags by the door. She chuckled before feigning surprise

"Oh dear, look at you." She tiptoed to pinch your cheek, "What a handsome young woman you've grown into!"

"Grandma..." You whined, feeling the heat rise up your neck, "or perhaps a beautiful young man?" You just sighed and pouted as she chuckled to herself, kissing your cheek. 

"Hurry and eat up now, you're still growing. Oh! "She suddenly gasped, "Shin-chan will walk with you to school, please give this to him as my thanks, would you?" She passed you a small box of baked goods. Taking in the designs on the box itself, you nodded, "'Shin-chan' is one of Yumie-san's grandsons, right? The older one- You've mentioned him before"

She nodded, "Yes, he's a very polite young man, you two will get along just fine." You smiled to yourself, if grandma trusts him then surely you have no reason to be wary of him

The ring of the doorbell got both of your attention, "That should be him, hurry up and get your things, you don't wanna be late!" You raised a brow at that while doing what she told you to, "There's still at least an hour till classes start?"

"Yes but you'd still need to look around the school first, don't you?" Well, she has a point. You just nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Bye grandma!" 

After shutting the door behind you, your gaze landed on a guy standing beyong the small gate. He was tall (well, taller than you) but definitely not up to 6 foot. You'd say he's probably at least two(maybe three) inches taller than you. Golden? Maybe more of a dull brown eyes, white hair with black tips at the end of it. Is it natural? Or dyed? But either way you really like his hair, it's cute. 

Without realizing, you were already standing in front of him, the small gate being the only thing separating the both of you. Staring very intensely, it was like you were analyzing him, picking him apart piece by piece observing every little detail you could find. Kita simply stared back, although he's seldom felt like this, he was slightly intimidated

"Excuse me?" He tried not to let himself falter, but it was a bit difficult when you feel like a frog being dissected in a biology class

'Is this how the others feel?'

Fortunately, you've snapped out of whatever trance you were in, your intense gaze gone. It was replaced with embarrassment, you bowed your head, apologizing. He was quick to dismiss you on that while you fumbled a bit with the gate to quickly close it

You cleared your throat, deciding to properly introduce yourself, "[Last/N] [Name], nice to meet you"

"I've been told, and you've made quite a name for yourself, [Last/N]-san." At that, you perked up, "You're interested in volleyball?"

Volleyball God? Me? [Haikyuu x pro player! Reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora