"Perks of being a wallflower, no one really cares what you'll do. Sit." She patted the seat beside her.

She sat beside her and started eating her food. They talked about any topic that came up in their head.

They laughed, teased, and bickered with each other.

It was in her English Literature that she noticed she and Robin had been doing what she and Steve have done this morning. The only difference is, Robin wasn't stuck in her mind like Steve is.

What's wrong with her?

She shrugged it off as her being thankful.


After classes, she put the things that she'll be needing for today's homework and put it in her bag.

She asked a question to Robin about the Cheerleading Team that Robin immediately noticed her interest and supported her even if she wasn't sure of it herself.

Robin said something about the Cheerleading Captain, Samantha, which she described as one of the 'basic cheerleading bitch'. She advised her to go ask the co-captain, Chrissy Cunningham, if there are any available spots left. In Robin's opinion, she was the nicest one on the team.

That was the time that Naomi noticed her interest with Chrissy Cunningham.

Her and Robin has a plan to go to the popular ice cream shop in town, Robin said something about working on this ice cream shop.

Since Robin doesn't have any car, it was Naomi's job to drive them to the ice cream shop. Robin guided her since she doesn't have any idea where this ice cream shop stand.

It wasn't like what she expected.

This 'popular' ice cream shop stood in a tent. It was actually an advertisement about the shop that will took place inside the mall. Outside of the tent, a big tarpaulin can be seen even from far away.

"Scoops Ahoy!
One scoop,
Makes you go WHOOP!

Soon on Starcourt Mall
Opening on May 21st of 1985."

"You're planning to work in the mall?" Naomi asked her friend who eagerly nodded as an answer.

"Yeah, I mean, no place in here is hiring. A mall, however, needed many staffs. I'll do great in scopping some ice cream." She answered.

An uneasy feeling bloomed in her chest. Thinking her friend will somehow work on the mall, terrified her. The problem is, she doesn't know why.

Robin entered the tent happily. She immediately went to the makeshift counter and waited on her turn on the line. Naomi hesitantly followed her friend inside and stood beside her.

Once it was Robin's turn, she immediately ordered two chocolate ice creams with a cherry on top. While the female wad working with their ice creams, Robin saw her chance to question the female.

"Hey, do you need any more workers?" She asked. The female worker looked up and smiled, "yes, actually. We have two available spots left. For now, it's just helping on the tent but once the mall is finished we need all the help we can get."

"Well, I am actually interested on applying. I have my resume with me and I have many working experiences. My name is Robin Buckley." She introduced herself.

"You are? That's wonderful. Let me finish this first." After she finished scooping those two chocolate ice creams, she handed them to Robin which the latter immediately handed the money for payment before the female worker named, Ruby, left to get her manager.

Ruby entered again with a male in his 40's. Ruby whispered something to him while staring at Robin. The man smiled and walked towards the short-haired girl.

"My name is Saul Goodman, Ruby said something that you are interested on working on our beloved ice cream shop." The man politely smiled while extending his arm.

"Good afternoon. My name is Robin Buckley and I am indeed interested on working on this beloved ice cream shop." Robin accepted his hand and shook it.

Naomi sat on one of the stools and started eating her ice cream. She watched Robin talked about her employment. After that, Robin and Saul stood up and shook their hands. She guessed that Robin got the job based on the large grin plastered on her face.

Both of them exited the tent and entered Naomi's car. Naomi started driving off, the car was really quiet. Not that Naomi mind. However, Robin started shouting in joy that made Naomi lose focus and almost crash her car on the tree.

"What the hell?!" Naomi shouted and looked at her.

"I got in!!"

"I know!" Naomi shouted in frustration.

Robin continued cheering in delight.

That didn't really stop the uneasy feeling that blossoms more by a minute in Naomi's chest.


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