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As Mike, Will, Joyce, Hopper, Jonathan, El and Nancy gazed at the mist floating down they knew it wasn't over.

After all, it was never over with them.

It wasn't over when El banished the Demogorgon.

It wasn't over when El closed the gate.

It wasn't over when they killed the Mind Flayer.

It wasn't over when Steve, Robin and Nancy 'killed' Vecna.

Was it all for nothing?

Max, was it all for nothing?

Lucas and Erica stood at the window. 

They knew.

As Max lay in her coma beside them, it was almost as if she sensed it too.

Without thinking, Lucas grabbed Erica's hand. To his surprise, she squeezed it back.

And unspoken bond had been created between them, Lucas wished that it had been under different circumstances.

He took one last glance at Max, thinking, We'll save you.

Robin felt lightheaded. These assholes didn't know when to quit. She grabbed Vicky's hand, grateful when  Vicky's hand returned her squeeze.

She called for Steve, for Nancy, but they had already noticed the particles drifting around. 

As the four stood together, they knew that they would face it together. 

As they always did.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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