1. Scott street

870 49 23

(fluff, angst, non-canon, future!pro AU)

Katsuki wasn't as heartless as the media portrayed.

The word was shifted around like blame for his blunt actions. Rescuing victims from collapsed buildings only to dump them from his arms when they tried to kiss his cheek. Or swiping a lollypop from a small child, ranting about cavities. Or when he pushed a pregnant person aside to swoop in and save the day. They fell into a bush, he was a calculated bastard, so what was the big deal?

One afternoon, when the sun was hiding herself behind the soft cover of grey clouds, the pro hero was on his lunch break, and looked eager to get going somewhere. However, nobody could feel how his fingers shivered, or the rawness from chewing the inside of his cheek. On the outside, Bakugou Katsuki was stone-faced; impassive and set like a machine with no ticking heart, only a clenching jaw.

He set about closing his office and peeling off his suit into more 'civilian appropriate' clothing. The lazy guy's choice, his brother would jeer.

When moving to reception to clock out, a familiar red-head stopped him in his tracks with a toothy grin. Kirishima was chatting to some contractors about security precautioning blah blah blah, when he spotted his oldest friend in the world.

"Hey, man. Where're you off to?" The crimson hero raised his hand in greeting, eyes holding Katsuki's glare in a soft, one-sided embrace of vision.

Katsuki's reverie was only held for his best friend, so he answered gruffly.

"Off to see my annoying ass brother, thass all." The hero's gaze fell the way a feather would float; side to side with curvature, landing softly on the cusp.

"Oh, tell him I said 'hi'." Kirishima smiled, a gentle beg in his voice.

Gruffly adjusting the strap of his bag, Katsuki nodded and went to the exit, pushing through the revolving door and leaving the humid office into the stark brightness of the city.

In a grocery store on the corner of the avenue, Kat was handling a honey melon, feeling its white veins and hoping it was the sweetest of the bunch. It plopped in his bag, nestled amongst many other treats and odd objects.

The further he wandered, the quieter it became. His brother had picked a nice part of town to stay; most sound came from songbirds and children playing in the park. He needn't check his online map, having memorised the intestinal twists of the cobbled streets like the bones in the back of his hand.

Instead of listening to a calming podcast as he usually would on long strolls, he held his phone to his ear and pressed play on a message that held too much storage, but would cost everything to delete.

"Hey, Tiny," his big brother's voice was tinny on the other end, "just callin' to ask a favour, i know yer probably in some big fight right now, be careful. I'm headin' outta town for a few days, small mission nothing super cool, was just wonderin' if you'd nip 'round mine and feed the cat, air the laundry. Cheers, love ya." Kat could hear the tired smile on his brother's face as it was fed into his ear, his brain making happy signals like an old person hearing their favourite song on the gramophone.

A beep signalled the message had ended, and silence consumed his walk once more as he pocketed the device.

The gate to his brother's garden squeaked under his touch, clasping softly behind his bulking frame. Making his way further into the greenery, thorns tangled at his ankles like coiled snakes, snagging the cotton of his socks. He was careful not to crush the irritating plants, taking exaggerated steps over the foliage.

Looking ahead, he laughed at the face he could see on his brother.

"I'm here, I'm here." He chuckled and held up the bag, its contents bulging and fresh like the reap of a bountiful harvest. "Look at tha', got all your favourites. So no complainin', alright?"

Putting a hand out behind him, Kat crossed his legs and sat on the ground to face his patiently waiting brother. He took out the snacks and laid them in a wicker bowl, then got to slicing the melon with his dad's pen knife, the blade sinking in deliciously as juices like ambrosia wept out. He began munching a squelchy piece, offering the rest to his twin.

"Eat up, I know ya've been starvin' all day. Where's my thanks, huh?" Bakugou rolled his eyes playfully, "All the things I do for you, eh? The youngest one runnin' around, at yer beck 'nd call. Shameful, really."

He thought for a moment, putting the melon rind down and scratching his chin.

"Suppose I'm the oldest now." He joked, a grain of humour fought its way past his throat. He perked up at a recent request, "Oh, Eijiro says 'hi', I'll tell him yer good."

M/n didn't answer. Unfortunately he never did.

Embed within the carvings of a name, Katsuki's fingers traced his family name upon the stone, then brought a candle from his bag. "Light this for me, will ya sparky?" He teased his twin, then struck a match.

The people of this city didn't need to know he carried around a funeral on his shoulders, or his brother's favourite snacks in his bag.

M/n knew he wasn't heartless, and that was enough for him.

forever, your aniki 🪐 oneshots (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ ‼️ Ended ‼️Where stories live. Discover now