Chapter One: Starvation

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Jene Olan pulled apart a clump of weeds, hoping to find an edible mushroom. A cloud of stink erupted in her face.

"Ewww,  an acrid-shroom!"

She sighed dejectedly, and adjusted the satchel on her back. It held her 3-month old brother, Tem. Their parents, Malga and Octavius, had died of Seepri'k, a deadly plague, just a week earlier. The family's small home had been bombed by the Lay forces. Jene had asked the innkeeper, Old Man Garg, if he had any rooms available for free. He had none. A rustling noise snapped Jene from her thoughts. Searching for a cave, she ducked into a tiny crevice, placing the satchel carrying her brother on her lap. She heard a masculine voice announce, 

"There's nobody here. Let's move on."

"Yes sir!" Several voices chimed in. Jene tried not to snort in disgust. She knew the voice of the leader quite well. It was the Layrian prince, Argon Fitzhanol of Layria. The one who...

Who bombed her home.

Released the disease that killed her parents.

The one singular young man who'd taken everything from her. Her parents, her house, her country. And she'd never forgive him.

She'd always hunt for his blood.

He deserved worse. But she had nothing. No food, no weapons, no way of successfully taking him down. And she hated that. Hated him. Hated every single innocent Layrian citizen, all because of their monarch. Argon Fitzhanol was a beast, and Jene would never change her view of him... Or so she thought.

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