Birthday Party - Chapter 61

Depuis le début

-See you later. Bye, handsome. – You joke and he chuckles.

-Bye, gorgeous. – He hangs up.

          Dropping your cellphone on the bed, you stomp the mattress excitedly already looking forward for the lunch today, but suddenly, a thought crosses your mind making you gasp. "Omg. It's her birthday. I must buy something for her." You think biting your nails. Getting up from the bed in a jump, you start to think which gift you could give to her. You take a quick shower and go to your wardrobe to choose something to wear. "Uhm... nothing looks really good to go to this lunch. But I think I don't need to overdress today. It's just Jeno, his mom, Yu and me. Well, I think this shirt is kinda cute. With this skirt." You say putting it in front of your body and looking at the mirror. You shrug and take it with you to the bathroom.
          Not taking too long to get ready, you leave the house, first stopping by a commercial center to look for a gift. "What would she like...?" You say looking at the store windows. Trying to remember about something she wore when you were at her house, a particular object comes to your mind. A hairclip. Jeno's mom wore one every time you went to her house. One different from the other, so she probably likes hairclips. Not losing time, you run to a jewelry and ask the attendant about them. The girl shows you plenty of them.

-Wow... they are beautiful. – You say and the girl smiles.

-Is there something in specific you would like to look? – She asks and you think.

-That one. – You point at a hairclip inside the showcase and the girl nods. Giving it to you, you know it's just perfect for her. A gold plated hairclip with some blue rocks. – I'm gonna take this one. Can you wrap it for a gift, please? – You say an the girl nods. "I hope I have money to pay for that." You joke mentally.

          After buying the gift, you decide to also bring something to help on the lunch. You buy a box of macarons, which is Yu's favorite sweet and that they also like, and a cake. Now everything is ready and you can finally take the bus and go.

-Jeno! Did you take that sauce I asked you? – A woman asks aggressively mixing the food in the pan.

-I'm getting there, aunt! – Jeno says running through the house. – Here! – He says handing the sauce to her.

-Perfect. – She says and Jeno quickly goes to the fridge to take the drinks.

-Son, can you get me that tray up there, please? – His mom asks and Jeno lets go of the cups to take the tray for her. Looking from the door, Yu sighs heavily with her plush dog in her hands.

-Brother... Do you wanna play with me? – Yu asks and Jeno glances at her chuckling.

-Sorry, Yu. I can't right now. I'm helping mom. – He says filling the cups and putting it all on another tray. Yu pouts stomping her feet.

-I'm bored. Nobody gives me attention. You should have called Y/n. She would want to play with me. – She says with her arms crossed.

-Yu, do you not know Y/n is coming today? – Jeno's mom asks while preparing the food and Yu looks at her fast with her mouth open in surprise.

-Whaaaa! Is Y/n sis coming? – She asks with a wide smile in the cutest way possible. Jeno chuckles, taking the tray to go outside.

-She must arrive anytime soon, Yu. – He says and Yu starts to jump excitedly.

          Suddenly, Jeno hears the doorbell ringing and a smile appears in his lips, but with all those drinks in his hands, it would be a little hard to check the door.

-Yu, look! It must be Y/n. Go and greet her! Ask her to get in. – Jeno says and Yu rushes to the door.

-Y/n sis came! Y/n sis came! – She shouted while running with her toy in her arms. With a little difficulty, she goes on her tip toes and turns the doorknob. – Sis! Do you want to play with m... - Yu's phrase fades away as she looks at the unknown girl standing outside. – Uhm... you're not sis... - She says and the girl looks down opening a smile.

-Oh my! Is that you, Yu? Look how much you've grown! You are so cute now! – The girl says and Yu slowly takes two steps away from the door, hiding behind her toy.

-Who are you...? I don't know you. – She says and the girl knees down looking at her in the eyes.

-You know me, but you don't remember me. I held you when you were juuust a baby. This little. – She says showing her the size with her hands. – My name is Sofia. – She says and Yu presses her eyebrows together in a confused expression.

-Sofia...? – She takes another step away. – You have the same name as the bad sis... - She whispers to herself.

-Yu! Why are you taking so long? Call her to come in! – Jeno shouts from afar walking closer to the door, finding it weird the way Yu is standing in front of the door. Jeno finally gets there and his eyes widen in surprise. A bad surprise.

-Hellooo! Am I too late? – Sofia says excitedly and Jeno closes his face seriously. Yu hides behind his legs, peeking at her on the entrance.

-What are you doing here? – He asks in a low tone. His eyes almost burning her alive.

-What do you mean? Do you think I wouldn't come to visit you mom on her birthday after so long? Of course I wouldn't forget. – She says trying to enter, but Jeno rests his arm on the wall, forbidding her from coming in.

-She doesn't want to see you. You can go now. – He says, but she pushes his arm, getting in the house. – Sofia! – He yells, but she knows the way very well to the garden.

          Jeno's family is reunited in tables eating and drinking. Sofia shows up there and the family spots her. Their expression changing one by one, surprised by her presence. Whispers fill the place as the people start to gossip between themselves. "Is this that girl when Jeno was...", "Did Jeno invited her this year? I thought they were over.", "How does she have the audacity of showing up here?". The thoughts were many, but no one dared to say a thing. Before she could start anything else, she feels a hand pulling her by the wrist.

-Ouch, ooouch! Easy, boy. – She says as Jeno snorts dragging her out of there through the house.

-Go before my mom sees you. – He says almost at the door again, but she gets rid of him.

-Leaving before wishing her a happy birthday? No way! – She says giggling.

-I'm not kidding. Go. – He says firmly.

          Inside his chest, his heart was beating fast. He didn't expect her to do such thing. After many years, he always celebrated his mom's birthday without her showing up. She never sent a single message, but now she decides to appear. Even thought it's being so long, it doesn't exclude the fact that they would never forgive her for what she did. And he knows there are two people who couldn't see Sofia there. His mom and you.

-What. Is she doing. Here? – It's over. That tone of voice he hasn't heard for a long time. Jeno turns around to just verify the obvious. It was his mom, and her gaze had so much anger that even he was surprised. 

Fake Boyfriend - Lee JenoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant