18 | Tart

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*I'm questioning where you guys are spawning after I published a book

Heartslabyul Arc: Starting

"-known for its long list of rules that its students are expected to abide by. Should they break even one, it will result in their beheading by the dorm leader."

Obtained: "Overprotective" SSR Barbatos

"You shall not lay a hand on him."

- Ramshackle Dorm -

Yuu was on the brink of falling asleep on the couch, still waiting for (Name) to come back. Grim already went upstairs to take some rest, doubting the butler will come back with food. Once his head hit the armrest of the couch, he already let the drowsiness take over him. Unbeknownst to him, the mirror inside the room glowed, sucking his soul in...

- ??? -

Yuu woke up in a jolt, bewildered about where he is now. Questioning himself if this was a dream, but when he pinched his cheek, it hurts somehow. His outfit changed as well, a blue blouse paired with black shorts and a white apron. A black hair band on his current blonde hair...

A passage opened in front of him, leading to a castle. With no control of his body, he went through the passage. He was inside a large maze within the castle's outskirts, and just then, he heard someone singing nearby...

Bum, bum, bum, bum. Painting the roses red, we're painting the roses red

We dare not stop or waste a drop, so let the paint be spread

We're painting the roses red. We're painting the roses red

Oh, painting the roses red. And many tears have been shed

Because we know, they'll cease to grow. They'll soon be dead

   "Why you must paint them red?" Yuu asked the three singing clover cards. They all gasped, until the 3 Clovers went near Yuu's ear, "The Queen, she likes 'em red. If she saw it's white instead, she'd raise a fuss to us and quickly lose our head," it answered.

     'I'm just in Ramshackle Dorm, how did I get it here?' Yuu asked himself.

- Ramshackle Dorm -

*Knock* *knock* *knock* The door of Ramshackle Dorm created a noise, causing Yuu to wake up once again and the mirror once came back to its original form. Thinking it's (Name), he was met by Ace instead with a collar on his neck, similar to what Grim had in the entrance ceremony...

     "Ace? What are you doing here?" Yuu asked, letting the salmon-haired in the dorm. "I thought it was (Name), turns out it's Ace! What happened to you?! You look wasted!" Grim came running downstairs, checking the tired Ace.

     "I'm never gonna go back to Heartslabyul again!" Ace complained, sitting on the couch with crossed arms. He was angry, to say the least, "I'm joining your dorm from now on!"

     Another knock came, "I'm back. Pardon my tardiness, Yuu-san," (Name) came back with dinner and desserts in hand. Then she tilted her head, looking at Ace on the couch, "What is he doing here so late at night?" She asked Yuu.

     "Hello, (Name)-senpai," Ace greeted. Grim and Yuu started to chow down the food, while Ace seems to be wanting a piece of cake on the table. "Isn't that the same collar Grim got when he caused a rampage in the entrance ceremony?" (Name) asked, looking at Ace's neck.

     "Yeah, how did you get that?" Grim questioned. "I ate a tart," the wasted first-year bluntly answered. The three looked at each other, having questioning looks, "You heard me. It's a tart that gave me this collar. I was just hungry, so I went to the kitchen of our dorm—"

- Flashback, Heartslabyul Dorm -

     "Ugh, I'm so beat. On the first day of school, almost got expelled and I haven't eaten dinner. Will this day get any better?" Ace grumbled as he went down the stairs. "Is there anything to eat inside the fridge?" He asked himself, curious and hungry at the same time.

     Laid inside the fridge, three plates filled with tarts. "So many tarts~," he smirked and took one from the plates. Thanking for the food, he savored every chew of it, "This tastes amazing! I'm impressed!" He exclaimed.

     A man was behind him, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. He seems to be angry from the looks of it but kept a calm tone when he said, "Of course it's delicious. Trey never fails to bake tarts that won't disappoint anyone's expectation if they're gonna eat it."

     Ace nodded, "Exactly, bro! His baking skills sure are top-notch, and taste better than the ones you buy in—GAH! DORM LEADER RIDDLE-SENPAI!" He choked on the tart as he saw his dorm leader behind him. "You sure have the guts to steal what belongs to me. Queen of Hearts, Rule #89, You shall not eat the tarts prepared for the Queen," Riddle said.

     "What the fuck..." Ace gasped as his dorm leader pointed his magical pen at him. "Stealing tarts is a heinous crime!" Then he cast the collar on Ace's neck.

- Present, Ramshackle Dorm -

     Yuu and Grim stopped chewing, while (Name) chuckled silently in her seat, "Forgive me, it's just funny, Ace-san," (Name) apologized to the sad Trappola. "Can't blame (Name). It's also your fault for stealing their food," Grim agreed.

     "Can anyone be considerate towards me?!" Ace grumbled, huffing from their attitudes. "It's too much that he sealed my magic because I ate one tart! I'm a magician, sealing my magic is like tying my hands and legs!" He added.

     "Not necessarily, you can use physical strength against enemies. That is, if you're strong enough in hand-to-hand combat," (Name) stated, taking a sip of tea. "I know that, but there are three whole plates of tarts in the fridge! No one could eat that much in a nick of time! How stupid can he be?!" Ace complained, stomping his foot.

     "Well, yeah, but..." Yuu scratched his cheek, not knowing what to answer next. "That's all you have to say, seriously, Yuu?" Ace deadpanned, earning a dirty look from the black-haired man.

     "Wait a minute, you said there are three plates of tarts inside the fridge, right?" Grim reminisced. "He's probably preparing it for something! Like a big celebration! Birthday party or some sort," he added.

     "Now that you said it, you do have a point, Grim," (Name) patted the grey cat's head. "If that's the case then, that only testifies to the fact he's angry at you for eating the tart prepared for the possible party," she told her sulking junior.

     "That only proves the point he's a tyrant of a dorm leader!" Ace said, ready to throw hands again. "Your fault for eating his tart, Ace. You should apologize if you want to remove that collar on your neck," Yuu told the grumbling salmon-haired. The said man just rolled his eyes as he slumped again on the couch.

     "Fine, but you're coming with me since you suggested it," Ace added before looking away from their gazes.

     "Well, since you're here, Ace-san. Why not join in eating dinner with them? I've prepared more than enough for the two of them, after all," (Name) offered and gave Ace a piece of cake. "Do tell me if it's just the right taste."

Ace shyly took the cake from (Name)'s hands, embarrassed since it seems rude to eat someone's dinner that was prepared for them. His thoug hts were erased when he took a bite of the cake, his aura turned into a carefree one as he savored the cake. Barbatos just chuckled at his reaction when he said it's better than the tart...

     "I have finished my business here. I'll be going back to my dorm," (Name) announced as she stood up. "Do call me if you need any assistance," she added before leaving the dorm.



(✔︎) ❝𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐑❞Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin