The Departure

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There they were, at the Ton Pu Inn. Link was talking to a light brown haired guy with almost the same hairstyle as him. The guy had slightly long  light brown hair,kinda parted to the right side of his face. About the size of Link. He was wearing a black cloak.

"Are you sure it's safe to leave her with me?" the guy asked.

"Oh Sky. You're worrying too much. If something happens, just call me via Loftwing. Easy. You're over thinking it."

Is he?

The guy lifted his black cloak.



                                                                                     Hero of Skyloft

"But what if something happens? Or what if Aryll gets hurt?" Sky asked. 

"She'll be okay. Knowing Aryll, she'll just pop right up again." Link responded." But I have to leave soon. I'll let Aryll know."

"Aryll!!!" Link shouted.

They heard footsteps running into the inn and soon, Aryll joined their little conversation.

"Aryll, this is Sky. He'll be taking care of you while I'm gone. 'Kay?" Link said to her.

"'Kay. Wait a minute. Isn't this the guy that broke his foot while trying to "save" me from that Hylian Retreiver that wasn't even attacking me?" Aryll asked.

Sky smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah." Link said. He sweatdropped. " This is the guy. I have to leave now. Bye."

As Link stepped out of the inn and they said their teary goodbyes, Link thought...

Will I ever see Aryll again? 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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