Restored memories

Start from the beginning

"Jack! (Y/n)!" Tooth smiled as she tried to fly to them, only to fall before getting up with help from Jack. "You okay?" Jack asked. "Yeah, I'm okay." Tooth replied. "Jack, (Y/n), what are you two doing here?" North asked. "Same as you." (Y/n) replied. Jamie ran out of his house in excitement and saw the Guardians. "Wow! It is you! I mean, it is you!" Jamie said before laughing as he looked at Jack and (Y/n). "I knew it wasn't a dream!" "Guys, he sees you!" North said. Jack smirked before he noticed someone missing. "Wait, but where's Bunny?" He asked. "Losing Easter took its toll on all of us." North frowned. "Bunny most of all." A tiny gray and white rabbit hopped around on the sleigh. "Oh no..." (Y/n) mumbled. "That's the Easter Bunny?" Jamie asked. "Now somebody else sees me!" Bunny spoke. "Aw, where were you 'bout an hour ago, mate?" Bunny asked. "What happened to him? He used to be huge and cool, but now he's cute." Jamie said as he began to start scratching under Bunny's chin. His right foot began to thump until he got Jamie to stop before glaring at Jack and (Y/n). "Did you two tell him to say that? Alright, that's it! You and me now. Come on." Bunny said, looking ready to fight them. "No, actually, they told me you were real!" Jamie said. "Just when I started to think that maybe you weren't." "...they made you believe? In me?" Bunny asked calmly. Jamie nodded as Bunny looked grateful toward Jack and (Y/n) who smiled back. Then suddenly, thunder and lightning crackled, startling the Guardians. "Get Jamie out of here!" (Y/n) said, ready to go after Pitch. "Be careful, guys!" North warned. "Jack, (Y/n)," Pitch said before rising up with his nightmare sand. "Let's finish this, shall we?" (Y/n) sent out her ice as Pitch laughed. "That little trick doesn't work on me anymore!" Pitch sent a blast of black sand at (Y/n), making her fall. "(Y/N)!" Jack shouted, flying after her. Meanwhile, the group went to catch up. "This way, this way!" Bunny said as he hopped before coming to a stop. "Ahhh, dead-end! Other way, other way!" Suddenly, something was coming into the sky. (Y/n) was falling with Jack trying to catch her. "(Y/n)!" Jamie called as Jack quickly caught her but landed and groaned once he landed. "That was good try, (Y/n)," North advised. "A for effort." "(Y/n), are you all right?" Jack asked weakly. "I'm fine, Jack. Thanks." She smiled, and he smiled back. "He's stronger. We can't beat him." Jack said. "All this fuss over one little child and he still refuses to stop believing!" Pitch sneered. "Very well. There are other ways to snuff out a light." "If you want him, you're gonna have to go through me!" Bunny glared as he stepped out. "Oh, look how fluffy you are!" Pitch mocked as his shadow poked out from the ground. "Would you like a scratch behind the ears?" "Don't you even think about it!" Bunny glared then hopped into North's hand. "I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you all like this!" Pitch smirked as his Nightmares came out from the shadows. "You look awful." The Guardians backed away and Jack put his right hand in front of (Y/n) and Jamie protectively. "Guys, I'm scared." Jamie said. "I-I know, I know, but you're gonna be alright." Jack soothed. "We're gonna have a little fun instead." (Y/n) realized those words. "That's it; that's our center!" Jack said. (Y/n) looked at him confused at first, but realization hit her and she smirked. "So what do you think Jamie? Do you believe in The Boogey-" Pitch started before getting hit in the face with a snowball from (Y/n). Jack and Jamie laughed.

"Now let's go get your friends." (Y/n) smiled, laughing fondly. Pitch cleared the snow from his face, just as Jack and (Y/n) ran past. The kids joined Jack and (Y/n) down the middle of the street and Bunny joined. A snowball hit Cupcake's window and she looked to see who it was as her eyes twinkled. Pippa came to her window after hearing someone knock and saw it was a friend of hers. "Jamie, how are you doing that?" She asked. "Jack and (Y/n) Frost! Come on, we need your help!" Jamie alerted. Pippa had snow in her eyes and she saw them. "Hey, i-is that-" she began. "Jack and (Y/n) Frost!" A boy called. Claude and Caleb had presents on their beds as the Guardians go past. "Merry Christmas!" North called out. "Happy Easter!" Bunny cheered. "Don't forget to floss!" Tooth said. Claude and Caleb heard Cupcake cheering as she sled behind The Guardians. "Cupcake?" Claude and Caleb asked. The rest of the kids were sledding behind The Guardians. "The Easter Bunny's real!" Monty. "And The Tooth Fairy!" Pipa added. "And Santa!" Caleb said. "They're all real!" Jamie added. The Guardians followed behind as the kids cheered. Pitch's army was waiting. "You think a few children can help you?" Pitch mocked. "Against this?" North tried to hold his sword, but he suddenly grew too weak, which worried Jamie. "They're just bad dreams, Jamie." Jack reassured. "And we'll protect you, mate." Bunny added. "Oh, you'll protect them?" Pitch laughed. "But who will protect you?" "I will." Jamie replied as he walked up. "I will." Cupcake added. "I will." Claude and Caleb added as they joined. "And me." Pippa added. "I'll try." Monty added. (Y/n) nodded at Jamie. "Still think there's no such thing as the Boogeyman?" Pitch taunted as the Nightmares began to close in on the Guardians. "I do believe in you; I'm just not afraid of you." Jamie retorted as he held out his hand in front of the Nightmares. Suddenly, the Nightmares ran against Jamie before disappearing into dream sand. The kids and Guardians were relieved. Tooth beamed as she was able to fly. "Yeah, Tooth Fairy!" The kids cheered. "Aha!" North glared as he held up swords. "No! Get them! Do your job!" Pitch said.

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