
15 1 0

Name: Satan (I use this name as a joke, I'm not actually like, a cultist lol)

Age: around middle school ages/10-11-12

Songs I like: 

Juliet by Cavetown                                                                                                                                                                                        Brazil by Decklan McKenna 

Shows I like: 

Don't Hug Me Im Scared

The owl house


The great British baking show

Something bit me

Books i like:

Heartstopper 1-4 (soon to be 1-6)

The Language of seabirds

White Shark

DNA Is you

My favorite color: Green

My favorite fandom: DHMIS

My favorite number: 12

My favorite food: idk but I think lollipops maybe

I have three siblings and their all annoying thank you <3

If you need/want more info you can message me or comment on this thank you 👍🏾✨

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