I excused myself from the table and took my ice cream cake to my room,I don't want to be in their presence anymore.

After eating it ,I called Chanel to tell her I had arrived and told her what happened,she nearly came out through the phone, threatening to kill Dante's the next time she sees him.

We spoke for an hour until she told me she had to pick up Brandon from the airport,we hung up after saying our goodbyes.

I also called my dad and mom,we spoke for a while and I eased my mom's worry. I also spoke to my brothers.

I did my night time face routine and then went to bed with the thought of what to wear tomorrow.
The next morning I woke up very early to start my morning running, since I didn't know this area,I decided to do some yoga and stretches. I'll the maid where the gym is, this is a big house it must have a home gym.

After yoga,I took a shower and came back to meet a box on my bed and Daniella with some hair accessories.

"Good morning ma'am,the master says I should assist you"she says and I nod.

"Whose is this for?" I ask as I opened the box to reveal and beautiful lilac dress  which is one shoulder .

"It was sent by Mrs.Angelis ,ma'am" she answered.

"Okay,so what are you going to help me with" I say

"With your hair and make-up"she simply says.

"Oh,you can do that"I ask dumbly as I sit on my chair Infront of my dressing mirror.

I did my facial routine before she could start.

"Do you want braids, straighten,curled or wavy" she asks.

"Any thing you'll think will suit me" I say with a smile.

She looked at my hair for a moment before beginning to work.

I tell you the end result with the makeup was marvelous.

"Oh my God I can't believe you can do this" I gasp in astonishment as I looked at myself in the mirror.

She parted my hair into two sides,the lower part was wavy and she stitched cornrowed the upper part.

She did the makeup like an expert.

"When did you learn how to do this?" I ask

"I went to school to learn it ,I graduated a two years ago" she say sheepishly

"Oh, then what are you doing here as a maid. You could be a billionaire with this talent"I tell,she suddenly looks down with sad eyes.

"My brother is sick and there no money at home to help me start my own salon. This work pays alot and it helps me pay my brothers medical bills"she says softly.

"Oh sorry to hear. But seriously you work magic. I could recommend you to my best friend's sister. She is a famous hair and famous make up artist. She could use some talent like yours "I tell her with a smile.

"Oh thank you Mrs.Ange...Blaire"she says shyly

She helped me with my dress which fitted perfectly along with my Louis Vuitton heels and bag.

I was ready to go.

I was ready to go

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The dress

The dress

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