Chapter 1: Kyoto

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At the Classroom

Third P.O.V

It's another morning for Class-E and everyone is excited about the upcoming trip to Kyoto. But in actual reality, it's just another assassination plot set up by the Japanese government to assassinate Korosensei while he's distracted by the sights of Kyoto. "Nagisa-kun, have you finished setting up your group yet?" Kataoka asked him while walking towards him. "Almost, I just need to invite three others and I'll be done Kataoka-san. I'm thinking who else I could invite though." Nagisa replied to the female class representative while looking at his notes. "Well, considering that you need three others, I strongly recommend you inviting Karma-kun to your group considering how well the two of you get along with each other." Kataoka suggested which caused to to laugh nervously.

"Thanks for the suggestion Kataoka-san and don't worry, I already planned on inviting him anyway." Nagisa replied which caused Kataoka to smile at him. "That's good to hear Nagisa-kun and once your finish setting up your group, please find either me or Isogai-kun." Kataoka told him and walked walked off to help out their other classmates. ("Kataoka-san is really is a kind person. She knew that nobody would be inviting Karma-kun to their group for obvious reasons, but she knew that I would because of how I get along with him.") Nagisa thought and while he was writing down Karma's name, a certain somebody walked up to him from behind and tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "Huh? Who's tapping my-" Nagisa couldn't finish his sentence as once he had turned around, he saw that it was Kanzaki who had tapped his shoulder.

"Hey Nagisa-kun, forgive me for saying this, but I'd overheard your conversation with Kataoka-san and I heard that your still looking for people to join. So if you let me, can I join? Kanzaki asked him with a smile, causing him to blush and considering how well the two of them get along with each other, Nagisa couldn't say no to her. "Sure you can Kanzaki-san and I'm actually quite surprise how nobody has tried inviting you yet. So by all means, you are welcome to join us." Nagisa told her and because of it, his blush went a little bright just because how he finds Kanzaki's smile cute.

Yukiko P.O.V

After Nagisa had accepted me into his group, I followed him back to his desk and I couldn't help but feel happy as I remember all the days when we use to hangout together. But nothing comes close as trip. "Hey Nagisa, I'd invited Okuda-san while you were away as she told me that.... Wait! You brought Kanzaki-san with you? Does that mean she's going to be in our group?" Kayano asked and she really does seem surprised that Nagisa had brought me with him. "I'd overheard Nagisa-kun's conversation with Kataoka-san and decided to ask him could I join the as I get along with both you and Nagisa-kun." I'd replied to Kayano, answering the question in Nagisa's place and it's true that I do get along well with both her and Nagisa. "Welcome to the team Kanzaki-san!" Sugino welcomed me to the group and I smiled back at him. "Thank you Sugino-kun, I'm glad to be part of the team too." I replied to him and I could tell I'm going to have a awesome time in Kyoto. "By the way Kayano-san, didn't you say that Okuda-san wanted to join us?" Nagisa asked and I do recall Kayano mention she'd invited Okuda to the group. But she didn't state whether or not did she accepted the invitation. "Oh right, Okuda-san said she'll be happy to join us." Kayano replied and I'm glad that I'm going to be surrounded by those whom I'm close to.

Nagisa told us and while I have a bad feeing about having Karma in our group. I already trust Nagisa with his judgment and considering he's been friends with him since his first year. I'm not going to protest against his decision. "Nagisa-kun, are you crazy inviting that psychopath to our group?" Sugino asked out of fear and I don't blame him for it. "What's wrong about being in the group Sugino-kun?" Once I'd heard Karma's voice, I turned around to face him and he's already smirking mischievously. "N-nothing... Your not going to... do anything crazy.... RIght?" Sugino asked Karma and I could how scared Sugino is of how Karma behaves. "Don't worry, I'm perfectly good at preventing witnesses from telling." Karma said while being mischievous and it made me sweatdrop and I have to wonder how Nagisa manage to befriend Karma in the first place.

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