Start from the beginning

"Yeah," He gently nods, inhaling the spliff that was settled between his fingers. "I know what you mean."

Victoria's lips parted lightly, revealing her clear white teeth. "But, uh, ye-"

"You are never gonna guess what's just happened." The sudden sound of Cook and JJ entering in startled Victoria, her head jolting up to her so called significant other, slowly coming to the realization he has yet to notice Effy or her. "Some little skinny Asian fuck is up the green, right? Body popping on a bit of lino. He's got a little sign saying Anwar the Magnificent, right?" Cook continues to rapidly rough house with a boxing dummy that hung highly from the ceiling, ignoring the pleas from JJ to stop. "He's busting, making cash money, so I said to him, I can join in, yeah? And he says something about do I know the Buddha Buddha cheese Buddha routine? So, I say-"

"Cook!" JJ shouts, finally catching the attention of him. JJ pokes his friend's bicep, looking towards Freddie, indicating that they weren't alone. Cook's eyes landed onto Victoria, who sat alone on the sofa with an uncomfortable face, while Effy simply smirked from Freddie's lap.

"Well, blow bubbles up my bollocks and call me Shirley." Cook laughs, throwing off his boxing gloves. He glides his way towards Victoria, sitting down next to her and pulling her onto his lap. "Hi, love." He smiles down at the blonde, pressing a hefty kiss to her cheek. Victoria mentally irked, groaning lowly towards him. "Don't you look beautiful today." He runs a strand of Victoria's long locks towards the back of her ring covered ear, examining every inch of her face in a fast motion, before peering towards where Freddie and Effy sat shocked. "Isn't my girl pretty, Freds?" Cook smirked, teasing the McClair boy.

Victoria had thought Freddie was stupid for spilling the truth on their one night stand to Cook and JJ, because now, Cook now had something dangling over Freddie's head, irking both the McClair boy and Graham girl. Freddie's throat cleared, handing the spliff off to Effy, as he readjusted himself. "What?"

"Oh, you didn't know? You didn't tell 'em yet?" Cook cheekily turned to Victoria, who's cheeks flamed with embarrassment.

"Only Effy." She whispered, leaning into the back of the couch where Cook's arm laid.

"Oh, well, I have the honors. Freds, I finally got a girlfriend. Now, we just gotta find a lonely lass for JJ." Cook smacks the side of JJ's leg, who's eyes lingered a little too long onto Victoria's exposed chest. She huffed, crossing her arms to try her best in covering what was revealed.

"Y- you two are... together?" Freddie stuttered.

"Yeah." Vic nodded her head, smiling forcefully. "Surprise."

. . .

VICTORIA'S BODY LAID untouched on the sofa that was scattered with Effy on one end and Cook on the other. Victoria's feet had found themselves in the lap of Effy, while her head rested on Cook's lap. Her eyes were shut, the only thing keeping her awake being the conversation going on between the friends, and the occasionally touching of her hair from Cook, who confessed he was mesmerized by how soft her blonde silky hair was. Her vocals hummed the faint tune of the Country music flowing in the background, her head ever so often nodding to the rhythm.

"I think I love The Sexbombs." JJ admitted out of nowhere. "Karen's costume last night was a bit of a marvel. I'm pretty sure it defied the laws of physics. I mean that tiny amount of material is surely not able to cover the requisite surface area for UK broadcasting laws. Did you see it, Eff?" JJ ignored Vic, assuming she was passed out.

"No." Effy murmured, playing with the laces of Victoria's shoes.

"Skirt was so short, I saw her bum hole wink." Cook chuckled, creating a messy braid by two strings of Victoria's hair. The blonde groaned, fluttering her eyes open to stare up at him. He glanced down to her, grinning a soft smile. She released a stiff laugh, shutting her eyes once again.

"Pass the spliff, Freddie breck." JJ clapped his hands together, surprising Victoria into jumping from the unforeseen sound. Cook patted the top of her hair, encouraging her to fall back into her trance of calmness. "Don't worry, I've perfected it." JJ promised, catching Victoria's attention, having her wonder on what exactly he was doing. Her chin tilted slowly down to her chest, catching as JJ swallowed the lit spliff down his throat. Her mouth gaped lightly, cringing her face together as she watched JJ begin to regret his decision, gagging and asking for water. When none came around, JJ leant down to grab a large water bottle that held some type of tainted yellow liquid in it. Victoria's hands covered her face in disgust, not continuing to watch the scene unfold.

Abruptly, a large gasp of flames shot from JJ's mouth. Effy released a scream, scaring Vic to roll into a ball and hide herself into Cook's chest. The boy let out a series of laughter, while holding tightly onto Victoria, who muttered curses to herself.

"How long have you had that plan in there?" Freddie grinned happily, glancing around the scene he had just witnessed.

"About 8 months." JJ lightly coughed, proud on the amusement he granted his friends.

"That's fucking top, mate." Cook nodded his head. "That's fucking tip toparoo. After all that excitement, I fancy a spunk. You coming Vic?" Cook turns down to the girl, watching as she gently lifts herself up onto the ground, fixing her hair. "You soon will be." He laughs at his own joke, earning an eyeroll from Victoria.

"No." She mutters, placing the tip of her own spliff in between her puckered lips, lighting it with ease. "I've got somewhere I need to be."

Cook's laughter died down, staring at her in confusions. "Wha- seriously? Maybe you didn't get it-"

"I got it." She turned towards Cook, walking towards him. "Everyone in the world got it, but you won't be getting it."

"What? I'm confused." The boy rose to his feet, slightly towering over her.

"Cook," Victoria's palm placed itself on his beating chest, playing with the collar of his jacket. "If I wanted to fuck you, I would've already. Maybe I'll find the time, but right now, I'm not wasting anything on you." Victoria passed the spliff off to JJ, lowly blowing the smoke into his freckled face. "Save the swallowing for something else." She vaugly smirked, twisting on her heels to exit. "You comin' Eff?"

"I thought you didn't have the time for that." Effy teased, kissing Freddie quickly as a goodbye.

"I have time for anyone who isn't Cook." Victoria shrugs, flickering her eyes towards Freddie.

"Piss off then." Cook spits out, glaring from the red convertible. "This is our place, right? And if you're not gonna shag us, then get to fuck. What a fucking girlfriend you are."

Victoria's breath shuddered, looking back towards Cook. "Yeah," She nods. "That's all I'm good for — fucking. I'm just a whore, who you could pay a million dollars to, and I still wouldn't fuck you." She flips him off, shoving her way out of the door. "What a fucking pansy." Victoria curses, shaking her head.

"You two do make a lovely couple."

"Shut the fuck up."

VICTORIA'S SECRET, Skins UkWhere stories live. Discover now