
I had meant to talk to Luna last night about moving in together, but after seeing how she reacted to the news, I didn't want to bring it up. After singing her to sleep I laid there for a few hours unable to fall asleep. All I could think about was how I could be more connected to her then I already was. We were so close already, I couldn't imagine feeling any more strongly then I do. I wanted to fix this, I wanted her to be one of those extremely rare cases that gets to see full color anyway.

She rolled over in her sleep facing away from me and I took the opportunity to get up. What was the point of laying here if sleep wasn't coming anyway. I sat down quietly at my desk and turned on the small desk lamp. Cracking open the book and sat there until the sun came up hoping to find something hidden in the pages that would fix everything.

I heard her rustling in the sheets as she woke up and I walked back over to the bed and sat down next to her stretching my legs out in front of me. She sat up and looked at me with her eyes swollen from last night.

"Hey..." she said sitting up next to me.

"Hey. How're you feeling?" I asked her as I played with her hair.

"I'm ok." She mumbled playing with the sleeve on the hoodie.

"Are you actually ok, or are you just telling me that?" I asked as she leaned against me.

"No, I'm ok. Just processing." She mumbled again, this time giving me the most fake half smile I'd ever seen.

"It's ok if you're not ok, Luna" I said holding her to my chest and kissing the top of her head.

She shrugged her shoulders, "I know."

I didn't want to bring this up now, but if we were moving out we had to start looking for places and soon. "I really don't want to say this right now, just because I know you're not feeling the best. But Changbin's parents want to know when I'm moving out." I cringed waiting for her to get upset. "I know it's fast, but maybe after graduation we could get a place together..."

She looked up at me with a smile on her face "Really?"

I laughed at her excitement "Is that a yes, then?"

"Yes!" She said sitting up straight and smiling at me. She looked adorable in my oversized hoodie that was pulled down over her hands.

"Ok, if I knew that would have cheered you up this much I would have asked you sooner." I joked as she lauched herself at me and wrapped her hands around my neck.

"I get to sleep next to you every single night..." She whispered into my ear as she hugged me.

"Yes you do, baby" I smiled whispering back to her.

After taking a shower and heading back to the dorm, Bora opened the door just as I was about to.

"There you are!" She said excitedly. "I've been waiting for you to come home, I have good news!!" She bounced up and down on her toes with her hands behind her back.

"Me too! You go first!" I said as I walked into the room and threw my backpack down on my bed.

Bora took a hand out from behind her back and wiggled her fingers showing off a beautiful diamond on her ring finger.

"Oh my god, Bora!!!" I yelled as I grabbed her hand and got a closer look at the ring. "Last night?! I need to hear it alllllll!"

"He was going to wait until after graduation, but he got too excited and did it early." She sighed happily and laid down on her bed staring at her hand.

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