"Was Rogers amiable?"

"He was furious that Hansen was hold up here so anything to get rid of him he was for."

Andy snorted.  Steve Rogers was always a law-abiding man.  Unless it came to his twin.  Especially after Lloyd screwed his sister and left the poor girl in a traumatized state. "Alright.  I'm headed to the back with Parker and Diskant. Let us know when we have an opening to enter."

"Copy boss.  Alright, stealth sweep and strike."

Nick, being former military, had set up the strike perfectly.  He had clusters of men together, trained in hand to hand to bring down Hansen's men as quietly as possible.  No way to alert the ones inside, though they are sure they have already been tipped off.  Peter has a rope ready and clipped to his belt to help get Rory up the window.

"Boss, we've drawn away most of the guards on the outside, but we have no idea how many inside," Nick says.

"Any casualties?"

"Not yet but if we breach the door, I can't say we won't take a hit.  We know the Soldier is still inside."

"Fuck me.  Ok.  We need a distraction."  Andy looks around and sees another window.  "Wilson, bring a couple of guys and a smoke grenade.  There's another window we can lob it in and push them out."

"What about Rory?"

"Hansen is not stupid.  He'll protect her as much as he can.  We need to draw the Soldier out."

Sam gets into position with a couple of men and throws the bomb in.  It flashes and smoke starts to billow out of the window.  Men come pouring out the front and side, allowing Nick and the other to take them out.

"Is he fucking insane?!" Lloyd screams as he closes the door to protect Rory.  He grabs a towel and soaks it in water to put on the floor by the door to stop the smoke from entering.  "Aurora, get in the far corner."

"Please, let's just run.  Please."

"I said get in the goddamm fucking corner." He back hands her and she falls.  She scoots back holding her face as Lloyd cocks his gun.  "I don't know why you just don't listen to me Aurora.  I'm trying to protect you."

"I hate you.  I wish I could just die."

"Believe me, it would have been easier at this point to kill you, but I've had a taste and I want it all," he sneered.  Smoke continues to seep in, and Lloyd decides to take a chance and open the window.  He's thankful he's tall and can reach the window.  Smoke starts to clear out of the room as Rory coughs from the inhalation.  "Ok baby, just breathe."  He rubs her back, and she pushes him away.

"Don't touch me! You already hurt me!"

Andy could hear Rory's screams and got up to move but Paul stopped him.  "Boss, we have to be smart otherwise she could be hurt." Andy gritted his teeth, but Paul was right.  They needed to be smart.  They needed to be precise.  He needed to get to his girl. "Parker, go."

Peter scaled the wall with ease and was able to position himself with a view inside the room.  He could see Rory huddled on the floor in the far corner from the door and Lloyd standing guard.  The smoke made it impossible for Lloyd to see out the window.  Peter than had an idea.  He went to the window that they had thrown the initial grenade in and slipped inside.

"Peter! What are you doing?" Andy hissed.

"Forcing this guy out so you only have one to deal with," he replied.  He looked out the window to see the Solider still crouch but pointed the other way. He quickly crossed to an adjacent room and threw another smoke bomb.  This one did affect the Soldier and caused him to start coughing.  He moved away from the source in an effort to get air.  Peter smiled.  "Soldier is on his way out."

Aurora (Andy Barber ~ Five Kings of Boston ~ Book  One)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें