•||Chapter 1||•

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As the sunshine's,the birds sang their sweet tweet morning had arrived.

Monica age 17,a nerdy teenage girl happily getting up from bed as her first day at her dream university had accepted her as their first scholar at Sanford University.

Monica rushed downstairs and got welcomed by her parents with a smile and a big hug.

"Well honey,today is your first day at Sanford! did you packed your things? you'll be living at dorms for the whole semester!"

"Yes, mom i already packed my things, my dorm number is 106! i hope my roommate would be nice!"

Monica said with excitement in her eyes, but deep inside she was nervous. Hoping Sanford wasn't like her previous school.

Dawn University

Monica age 16....

"H-hey please give me back my stuff!?" a bullied monica plead to retrieved her backpack.

"No way loser?!......seriously Monica? how pathetic can you be?"

"Yeah,nerdy bitch! no wonder you don't have friends!"

"Yeah,she doesn't even had a single boyfriend, i mean if i were a boy i wouldn't date a nerd loser like her!"

Monica's bullies continue to make fun of her while hurting her physically, realizing that no one would want to help a nerd like her,she gave up and let her bullies hurt her until she fell out of conscious at the bathroom floor.

As Monica brushed of her thoughts about her traumatic experience at Dawn University,she put a smile in her face and continue to eat her breakfast.

After getting ready,Monica was now in the car with her father as he drove her to Sanford.

She saw how elegantly beautiful her new school is.

"Here you go honey, good luck on your first day,and don't forget to call me and your mom okay?"

"Yes dad, bye see you later!"

She bid her temporary goodbye to her father as she walked in the campus with a lot of energy.

Monica was stunned at the campuses garden where different plants and flowers were planted.

She was too stunned to notice that she bumped into a guy.

"Just my luck!..." she thought to herself.

"Im sorry,i wasn't looking where i was going!"

Monica looked at the guy,and oh boy he was pissed off.

"You bitch?! how dare you bumped into me? do you even know who i am?"

The guy yelled looking red as a tomato, "Great Monica! first day of school and you already got yourself a new enemy!" she thought to herself.

"I am so sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going and i just got here!"

Monica said with her head down embarrassed by her actions.

"You-.....argh nevermind let's go guys,she's just gonna waste my fucking time!"

The guy said and left with his friends,Monica sighs relief she survived the pissed of guy.

After that incident a girl came and talked to her.

"Hi! im Jessica Murray i assume your the new scholar girl the principal told me to!"

"Ohh its nice to meet you! im Monica Gomez!"

Both girls shake hands and talked, Jessica toured her at every corner of Sanford and led her to her dorm.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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